Penn State, loss of institutional control and the death penalty

Discussion in 'OTHER SPORTS Forum' started by Wildcard, Nov 10, 2011.

  1. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    No death penalty. All that does is hurt the players, who had absolutely nothing to do with this. Find the criminals, prosecute them, put them away, go on with life.
  2. Pennsylvania

    Pennsylvania Go easy on me

    Sep 16, 2011
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    My initial reaction was that the remaining games this year should be cancelled. Since then, I changed my mind. They should finish out the season.

    The NCAA really can't impose any death penalty. But the other day, I heard a local radio host's opinion, and I think i'm on board with it. His opinion is , "that PSU should finish the season, and then impose a "death penalty" on themselves for next season.

    I think this is a longshot, but it makes sense. Penn State needs to get rid of the entire staff, all the way up to the Athletic Director. They should take next season to get things in order, and completely start over. If they would announce that there will be no football in State College next year, while they evaluate and restructure, it would show the world that they are serious.

    I have heard people say how unfair that would be to the current players. Really? Life isn't fair. And it certainly wasn't fair to those kids who were abused. Redshirt the team. They will survive.
  3. KyleK

    KyleK Who, me? Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2007
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    I tend to agree with the following article. Not much long term damage at all. People have short memories and don't like taking stands. The article lists many examples of how "Category 5" crises happened and things were back to normal within a year.

    Some Lessons in Damage Control

  4. Pennsylvania

    Pennsylvania Go easy on me

    Sep 16, 2011
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    KyleK, I read that article by Finebaum you posted in Tiger's Den. It made me think, and wonder: Did Paterno hang on so long because he knew the Sandusky story would eventually come out?

    People were calling for Joe's resignation back in the early 2000's, maybe even before that. But Joe and staff knew this tragic story would eventually come out. Maybe he held on all this time to help keep the story under cover. Maybe he held on so long because he knew it would destroy Penn State football, and he didn't want that to happen to anyone else but himself. Interesting thought.
  5. Dmarzio

    Dmarzio Founding Member

    Apr 17, 2008
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    Yeah it hurts the current players, but I think it effects the university as whole a lot more. It hurts them financially, and the whole university takes even more of a PR hit if there is a death penalty. You won't even be able to view Penn St. as an academic institution the same as before this came out.

    This is the risk universities take when they have high profile sports teams. A lot of people know of the various universities because of their sports teams, and when something like this happens to the sports teams the entire university takes a hit. If you were a 17 year old prospective college student, would you be considering Penn St right now? If you were a Penn St. alumni would you be bragging about that to your friends right now?

    I guess all of this is true even if they don't give them a death penalty, and I agree that all of this should be handled by the courts, the FBI, and Penn St. itself. I just think the NCAA can't stand around and do nothing about a football program and administration that did nothing during this whole mess. Although, it does seem like this is exactly what the NCAA does when high profile allegations show up (Miami, Newton, ect.).

    I'm not necessarily in favor of them getting the death penalty, but they have to do something seeing as this was directly involved with their football program.

    I think they will obviously wait until this goes through the investigation and the courts, and they will carefully watch how Penn St handles it internally and step in if they think they aren't doing enough.
  6. stevescookin

    stevescookin Certified Who Dat

    Nov 18, 2008
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    Dottie Sandusky Issues Statement, Expresses Anger over 'False Accusations'

    Dottie Sandusky, the wife of Jerry Sandusky, released a public statement Thursday afternoon via attorney Joseph Amendola.
    The full text of the statement, unedited, appears here:

    I want to thank our children, our family, our extended family of former Second Mile participants, and all our friends for standing by us through these difficult times. Jerry and I want to express our sorrow for all the hurt that has come to those who have supported us and our beloved Penn State and State College Communities.
    I have been shocked and dismayed by the allegations made against Jerry, particularly the most recent one that a now young man has said he was kept in our basement during visits and screamed for help as Jerry assaulted him while I was in our home and didn't respond to his cries for help.

    As the mother of six children, I have been devastated by these accusations. I am also angry about these false accusations that such a terrible incident ever occurred in my home. No child who ever visited our home was ever forced to stay in our basement and fed there. All the kids who visited us ate with us and our kids and other guests when they were at our home. Our children, our extended family and friends know how much Jerry and I love kids and have always tried to help and care for them. We would never do anything to hurt them. I am so sad anyone would make such a terrible accusation which is absolutely untrue. We don't know why these young men have made these false accusations, but we want everyone to know they are untrue.

    I continue to believe in Jerry's innocence and all the good things he has done. Jerry's many success stories with his Second Mile kids and positive memories of those kids keep me going. I am asking everyone to please be reasonable and open-minded until both sides of this case are heard, and Jerry has the opportunity to prove his innocence.

    I would like to thank all those individuals who continue to support Jerry and hope they will continue to support us through the conclusion of this very sad time in our lives.

    sincerely.....Tammy Sandusky

    [ame=]tammy wynette stand by your man - YouTube[/ame]

    "You'll have bad times....He'll have good times....doin' things you don't understand"
  7. stevescookin

    stevescookin Certified Who Dat

    Nov 18, 2008
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    Big Ten ‘reserves the right to impose sanctions’ on Penn State

    It’s been a little more than a month since the horrendous child sex-abuse charges against former Penn State defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky were made public, rocking the institution to its very core and bringing widespread condemnation for how the university handled the initial allegations. A legendary coach and long-time president were fired in the wake of Sandusky’s indictment, and multiple investigations were launched at many levels, but the silence coming from PSU’s conference, though, was deafening.
    That all changed on the part of the Big Ten Thursday afternoon. And, based on the wording of the statement addressing the scandal and the proposed actions, we’re guessing the school, in the midst of a search for a new head football coach, would’ve preferred silence remained the status quo.
    In a statement released a short time ago, the Big Ten Council of Presidents/Chancellors (COP/C) wrote that — our emphasis added — “there does appear to be sufficient information to raise significant concerns as to whether a concentration of power in a single individual or program may have threatened or eroded institutional control of intercollegiate athletics at Penn State.” As a result of the grand jury presentment in the Sandusky case released last month and other information that has since surfaced, the COP/C has proposed the following:
    • It will gather and review the facts arising out of the allegations in the Grand Jury report that pertain to matters of institutional control, ethical conduct and/or other compliance related issues;
    • It will request from Penn State University and the NCAA that Big Ten legal counsel be allowed to participate in the investigations or reviews, as the case may be, being conducted by Penn State and the NCAA as pertain to these issues; and
    • It will reserve the right to impose sanctions, corrective or other disciplinary measures in the event that adverse findings are made in the areas of institutional control, ethical conduct and/or other Conference related matters.
    The NCAA has already commenced a review related to the areas of institutional control and ethical conduct noted in the Big Ten’s release. Pending Penn State’s response to questions posed to them last month, the NCAA could — and likely will — launch a full-blown investigation into the football program specifically and the athletic department as a whole.
    The Big Ten’s publicly-stated interest comes one day after Sandusky was hit with additional charges related to the sexual molestation of minor boys, with some of the alleged incidents occurring on the Penn State campus and in the Lasch football building.

  8. stevescookin

    stevescookin Certified Who Dat

    Nov 18, 2008
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    This just won't end folks.

    Teen accuses Sandusky of 2004 on-campus assault

    Additional allegations of sexual assault have been made against former Penn State assistant coach Jerry Sandusky. The most recent reported incidents occurring inside the Penn State football offices in 2004 - two years after Sandusky was banned from bringing children into the building.

  9. Pennsylvania

    Pennsylvania Go easy on me

    Sep 16, 2011
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    It's a long way from being over Steve.

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