You do realize that he is keeping the passing style offense. Maybe not as pass happy but he is not going back to the option that Nebraska was known for. What he is going to change is to remake the defense so that "the blackshirts" are actually something to be feared again.
Completely off topic, but to answer your question in your sig, it spells tigers, not LSU :lol: Sorry, just made me laugh a bit.
All that corn and no one knows how to make a still? Dang, you can even buy one. I am losing faith in this new generation of college student. Of course, my family does have a long history of storing grain in glass containers..... View attachment 10713
COMPLETELY off topic, but reminds me of a brief story. New workmate of mine is from rural West Virginia and looks the part, if you know what I mean. I teased him about NASCAR and moonshine - all good natured. The next day, he brought me a mason jar full of clear liquid. When I asked where he got it from, he said, "My backyard..." Stereotypes are often useful...
Uh. I would call it boring yet effective in it's mission. Ounce for ounce, I'll take Mr. Jack, or even Mr. Evan.