I hope O not only doesn't fire anyone as I believe he won't but give the staff a raise just to piss off these know nothing quitters we have on this site. They are never happy. They think they know better than the coaches who coach these kids. Left to them we would be firing coaches every year maybe even at halftime during a game. They inspire nothing. They give neither the players nor the coaches a reason to play hard. They are horrible for recruiting and yet they complain when we lose some not even thinking word gets around that the "fans" want their head coach or position coach fired. We won 2 in a row with freshman QB's, WR's, TE's, RB's, DB's, LB's and OL's. They see nothing cause they are too busy trying find something wrong with the coaches or players. There I feel better now.
O yeah. Let’s fire him bc I “don’t think” he can do WHAT HE’S ALREADY PROVEN HE CAN DO....BY ACTUALLY FREAKING DOING IT. Do you listen to yourself?
I read elsewhere that the TAF fat cats have already donated a shit load of money to LSU & the Athletic Dept. I wouldn't expect any more huge contributions.