Pelicans: 2013 NBA Draft

Discussion in 'OTHER SPORTS Forum' started by Tiger_fan, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. ParadiseiNC

    ParadiseiNC don't worry, be happy

    Jan 12, 2008
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    So, we are giving up an up and coming PG who could spell JHoliday when needed, and our starting Center, to get a hybrid PG/SG/SF. What do people think about this move overall? Financially, it seems like it works. ARivers and or TEvans can spell JHoliday when needed. Apparently, we will be getting JWithey, rookie from Kansas, who can be our center, but he is mainly a shot blocker/rebounder, and he is a rookie who is going to get pushed around a lot. Losing Vasquez and Lopez is a lot, imo. Vasquez is apparently great in the locker room and has a great work ethic, which is positive for the team overall, and you hate to lose that. Coming off the bench to spell JHolliday, EGordon, and Aminu means TEvans will be asked to do a lot. Long term, the hope, I think, may be to trade Gordon, and TEvans will assume that starting role, but they want Gordon to be healthy for a while and show off his skills so they can get something for him.
  2. Tiger_fan

    Tiger_fan Veteran Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    A Pelicans blogger that loves keeping up on all the finances and financial rules and loopholes and exceptions is hailing this as a genuis move for us. I just skimmed his article, but here's another guy (a non-Pelican fan on a national NBA forum) that is probably making the same point more succinctly:

    They still have 6.7 they have to spend (before all of the trades go through, it is complicated) in order to be able to also use the 2.6 million Room Exception.
    So they have about 9.3 million to get a serviceable 3 and a serviceable 5 (to play about 20 minutes a game).
  3. Tiger_fan

    Tiger_fan Veteran Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    A thread on a national NBA forum was started last night asking if the Pels make the playoffs. The poll is 70% no, 30% yes

    Some of their comments:

    No, but they should be a very entertaining 38 win team with potential to improve. Regardless, they'll be a lot of fun to watch.

    If Eric Gordon and Davis stay healthy, yes absolutely. That is a very good lineup.

    Maybe. But health is a big concern with that team. But I like what they're doing. I think Tyreke might insulate them somewhat from Gordon's injuries--they might even end up trading Gordon if he gets a string of healthy games going.

    It's the Western conference, it's hard making the playoffs there.

    I don't see it either, the west is just too stacked. 11 playoff worthy teams competing for 8 spots. the pelicans are definitely a team with long-term potential, though.

    That team is amazing and they have a VERY good chance at being the #7 or #8 seed.

    I don't think so, they are too young, i don't think they make it next year, but i am very high on their long term potential. They have a lot of talent.

    There are going to be a lot of really really good teams in the west this year that won't make the playoffs. The 10th seed out West this year, could probably finish in the top 5 out East that's how loaded the conference is. It's insane. Doesn't help that most of the east is tanking every year and sending their best players to the west for pennies on the dollar.

    In the East the Pelicans are on the 5/6th spot - no doubt about it

    Nope because the West is too good...It' crazy how deep the West is.

    The West is too tough.

    No. The West is too deep and too good.

    the West is going to be tough as hell once again this season. Its going to be an interesting race once again.

    they will make the playoffs.... they (still) have about 9.3 million to (spend)... All of their main pieces are under 25, and they are all talented. You guys on are sleeping on them like crazy.

    No. Basketball is as much about chemistry and knowing how to play together than just looking at talent on a piece of paper. Not sure how they'll work, chemistry-wise.
    Since they changed their name to Pelicans, though, I hope they become successful. I freakin' love Pelicans.

    This team is very talented and extremely young. Even if they don't make it this year they should grow together and significantly improve over the next year or two. Also they're not done making moves this off-season.
  4. Tiger_fan

    Tiger_fan Veteran Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    An Atlanta-based Hawks fan who helps cover the NBA for an NBA blog writes:

    Can Tyreke Evans, Jrue Holiday Be NBA's New Dynamic Backcourt Pairing?
    There are very few teams who can boast both an elite point guard and a standout shooting guard
    Eric Gordon would likely follow Vasquez and Lopez out of the bayou.
    For now, let's assume that Gordon would be gone and instead focus solely on the Evans-Holiday duo that would be taking over the backcourt.
    When you can put two premier offensive threats in the same backcourt, you're in tremendous shape.
    Holiday...With his deceptive athleticism, terrific driving skills, top-notch passing abilities and quality outside shooting, the young point guard is on the track toward stardom.
    Evans... played for a toxic organization (note: that description shouldn't apply anymore) that surrounded him with a carousel of players and coaches....but he remains an elite slasher. Few guards are better at finding their way through traffic and attacking the rim. Once he gets to the basket, Evans is also a great finisher. According to , he made 63.2 percent of his attempts at the rim throughout the 2012-13 campaign, and he spent a lot of time there....Dwyane Wade and Russell Westbrook were the only two guards in the Association who made more shots at the rim.
    Having two premier offensive guards is one thing, but having two that complement each other is even more impressive.
    Holiday is tremendous as a drive-and-kick point guard. He'll be able to find Evans slashing to the basket with ease once they develop
    Holiday also benefits from having Evans alongside him because defenses won't be able to play his drives quite as hard. The threat of Tyreke receiving the ball in the open court off a kick and having room to work up a head of steam en route to the rim is too great.
    It's tough to find a more skilled backcourt than this potential one, and the pieces are in place for them to complement each other down the road.
    To the other 29 teams hoping to top this backcourt, it's your move.
  5. Tiger_fan

    Tiger_fan Veteran Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    Another NBA blogger based out of Madison, WI who is a huge Milwaukee Bucks fan:

    "the upgraded talent suddenly makes the Pelicans a dangerous team."
  6. ParadiseiNC

    ParadiseiNC don't worry, be happy

    Jan 12, 2008
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    Thanks, TF. I certainly am not a NBA guru, so the opinions above certainly help shed some light in this particular situation.
  7. Tiger_fan

    Tiger_fan Veteran Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    Comments from a thread on a general NBA forum trying to keep up with the trade:

    Lopez? Argh. I guess no team wanted him. Kings get very little real space out of this deal then. I know he's a decent center but man, that really takes the Kings out of the running to fill the SF hole unless it's a trade now.

    I'm sure the Kings can swing Lopez somewhere else.

    Lopez is not a good defender. Vasquez and Lopez were two of the worst defensive players last year. I think Robin is pretty good on the block man to man. He's a big body for sure. But he's got cement feet, no change of direction. He tends to exaggerate his help and can't get back to his guy. He gets killed on the pick and roll.
    But he's actually very skilled. He's got a good, if not pretty, jump shot. A good hook shot. He can hit his free throws. While he's not his brother Brooke obviously, he's got a lot more similarities than people give him credit for.

    the supremely overrated Vasquez is going to be a mismatch at PG, opponents can exploit the speed mismatch because they're are not that many PGs slower than Vasquez.

    The biggest knock on GV is he is slow and his defense is horrid. i'm not a huge stat guy but watching him I have to believe he's one of if not the worst defenders in the NBA. ... he's not garbage by any stretch...his Passing abilities will go along way for the Kings.

    Vasquez is overrated. He put up decent stats on a last place team whooptie doo.

    i kind of agree with Vasquez being overrated but not every guy that puts up good numbers on bad teams are overrated

    GV has a great attitude. But he is atrocious defensively. And that is an understatement.

    I would speculate that NO probably didn't want to let Vasquez go but if it meant at the expense of SAC matching it was a small price to pay. Think of it as compensation for SAC not to keep Evans.

    Kings seem more like a gang of misfits now than ever

    Evans is probably going to be their super-sub, playing a Ginobili role on the Pelicans. It should be possible to play Holiday/Evans or Gordon/Evans in the backcourt. Maybe they can even run some smallball with Evans playing the SF spot. And there is still the possibility that Gordon gets traded ...

    The Pelicans are following the Spurs model.. they are bringing in Reke to be their Ginobli

    They want to use Evans as the super-sub, aka Manu. But I'm sure they also have him in case Gordon demands a trade or gets hurt again

    No one is making the playoffs with Tyreke Evans as their starting SF.

    Tyreke's PER was 8th amongst all SF's, 5th amongst all SG's.
    I never understand why people get so caught up with positions. Heat just won a championship with Lebron essentially playing PG on offense and PF on defense.

    I'm sad to see tyreke go I would rather to sign him long term.

    I would also prefer that we just resign Tyreke

    I'm sad the FO didn't give the duo of Evans/Cousins a chance

    I always assumed Evans to leave the Kings (I assumed it for anyone who was playing there actually, and it is hard to erase an almost a decade full of crappy moves by the Maloofs turning a team that I used to enjoy a lot into, well, crap), regardless of what the Kings planned with him.

    the Kings roster was so poorly constructed under Petrie and the Magoofs.

    Maybe portland will be sending Jeff Withey to the kings, that keeps the kings payroll intact and lets us take a flyer on a potentially good defender.

    Withey going from PDX to NO

    Source? Haven't seen anything about Withey going to NO

    I thought Withey was going to Sac.

    Wait, did we just get Jeff Whitey from Portland?? No way. We essentially didnt give up Lopez for Tyreke if thats true. WOW!

    pretty happy with acquiring jeff withey

    Great get. He'll be able to contribute 10-15 minutes as a big.

    The Pelicans seem to be doing a damn good job. If Anthony Davis pans out, they're going to be a good team in a couple years. It'll be interesting to see what they do with the log jam they have at the 2 though. I like this trade for Sacramento, too. Do they go back and re-focus on signing Iguodala now?

    News flash: the pelicans are a good team. Very bright future.

    This is shaping up to be an interesting year for sure

    I don't think they're playoff material yet but they have made some great moves. A mark of an A from me so far this off season.

    Dell's a really smart GM and thinks very outside the box. The Pelicans still have the ability to sign a couple more players before this is all said and done.

    pelicans are absolutely loaded on talent and trade assets. Quickly becoming one of my favorite teams in the west

    Kings did real good. If fully healthy the Pelicans will be a very fun team to watch.

    Loving the Pels right now... hopefully they'll be able to trade EJ for a starting SF.
  8. Tiger_fan

    Tiger_fan Veteran Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    Of all the sports, NBA fans tend to have the most interesting discussions to read. It's probably because NBA rosters are so small compared to baseball and football that's it's easier for more people to be able to keep up with more. Also might have to do with how a lot of current NBA fans grew up during the 80's and 90's which a lot call the golden age (i agree with that), and some think another golden age is potentially about to begin or has already begun in the NBA.
  9. Tiger_fan

    Tiger_fan Veteran Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    Withey is the C the Pels just got. He's also 2-time Big 12 Conference Defensive Player of the Year (2012, 2013)

    From a scouting report on him, he sounds similar to Nerlens Noel in several big advantage with this guy over Noel, is that, like Davis, this guy blocks shots and deflects them to teammates, while Noel's problem is keeping his blocks from going out of bounds, giving it back to the other team

    April 5, 2013 (March 29 is when Kansas' season ended with a 87-85 loss to Michigan in the Tourney)

    arguably the best overall defender in the NCAA. Standing close to 7-feet, with an excellent 7-3 wingspan and very good athletic ability, Withey has excellent physical tools for his position, which happens to be the most difficult to fill in the NBA. A former volleyball player, he's a mobile big man who is quick off his feet and can elevate impressively around the rim, and shows tremendous coordination on the defensive end.Withey's biggest shortcoming from a physical standpoint lies in his average frame, as he still needs to continue to add strength
    Offensively, Withey was a relatively productive (17 points per-40) and highly efficient (62% True Shooting Percentage) scorer...He's most effective operating off the ball, finishing in pick and roll or drive and dish situations, where his soft hands, long arms and ability to play above the rim make him an excellent option for his guards to throw the ball to when he's on the move.
    Withey ranked as the #1 finisher in college basketball in non-post up situations, converting an outstanding 79% of his field goal attempts. Withey is significantly less effective with his back to the basket, looking very mechanical at times operating in the post, as he struggles to establish great positioning due to his average strength.
    He attempted just 14 jump-shots this season in 37 games... Although the sample size is very small, Withey did make 8 of those 14 attempts, showing solid mechanics in the process. ... he shot 71% from the free throw line
    The defensive end of the floor is where Withey looks like an entirely different prospect. somewhat of a microcosm of Kansas in general, as they ranked as the 6th best defensive team in college basketball, but just the 27th best offensively. Withey's contribution to that shows up primarily in Kansas' defensive 2-point percentage, which ranked #1 in the country. The Jayhawks allow opponents to convert just 39% of their attempts inside the arc, an outstanding accomplishment. ...
    It's not a stretch to say that Withey was the biggest defensive difference maker in college basketball this season. He blocked 4.9 shots per-40 minutes this season, down from 5.7 last year, but is far more than just a shot-blocker. Withey possess cat-like instincts on this end of the floor, showing unbelievable instincts as both a man to man and help-side defender. He does an amazing job of going straight up into the air and absorbing contact while avoiding committing a foul, aided greatly by his long reach, quick jump and tremendous timing. He almost always is able to keep his blocks in-bounds, which is infinitely more valuable than having a shot-blocker who simply sends opponent's shots into the second row. This is perhaps where his volleyball background shows up the most.
    He uses his length incredibly well to not only challenge, alter and reject shots around the rim, but also in contesting attempts away from the basket. He reminds of Shane Battier somewhat in his ability to instinctively get a hand right into his opponents' field of vision, not even trying to touch the ball, but rather making it impossible for him to get a clean look off. Rarely if ever will you see him bite on a shot-fake, which is a major reason he only commits 2.6 fouls per-40 minutes.
    Big 12 teams had an impossible time scoring against Kansas inside the arc virtually all season long, and Jeff Withey is the main reason's safe to say he is one of the most dominant defensive centers we've seen at the collegiate level in the last few years.
    Athletic 7-footers with great defensive instincts and excellent finishing ability don't grow on trees, there will surely be a market for his services this upcoming June. A playoff team drafting in the second half of the first round could be very happy picking a player who is well-coached, experienced and ready to compete from day one, as if he pans out, he could present excellent value to a NBA team playing on a rookie scale contract.
  10. VampMuse

    VampMuse Veteran Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    I can tell you now that if you can keep Gordon and he's healthy, having Jrue, Gordan, and Tyreke at the 3, with Davis back guarding the rim? Holy shit, this is a young promising team. A team I could get behind and cheer for (except when playing the Lakers!!!). I like visiting New Orleans, and I like NBA games, might have to combine the two this coming year.

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