W was a piker compared to BHO and use of executive orders and growth of the debt and using regulation to get what he wants.
Actually Winston, I have since rethought my figures and the threshold should probably be more like 371,000. this is where the top bracket starts. you are correct about sub-chapter s for small businesses. that is how I file for my stores. that said, you are being taxed on your net take from the business not the total receipts so in order for most business owners to take home 371,000, depending upon their margins, would require that they have annual sales of between 1.5 - 2 million. It has been presented as though any Mom and Pop with annual sales of 250,000 or more would have their taxes hiked but that isn't the case. I still think lowering corporate tax rates would be a big job creator. If we lowered the corporate tax rate to anywhere from 25% - 28% from the current 35%, it would place in a very competitive position with the rest of the world and make building plants in the US much more attractive. By doing this and inviting industries back, perhaps even by allowing some sort of repatriation tax holiday that would allow corporations to move their financial assets to the US without incurring taxes, we could put enough people back to work in decent paying jobs that a bump up in personal income taxes would seem nominal.
really there should be no taxes on businesses because they are job creators. really there should be no taxes on rich people because they are job creators. really there should be no capital gains taxes because they are job creators. and really i should not have to pay taxes because i would hire a nanny if i didnt have my tax obligation, i mean burden.
then how do we pay to be a world power with a strong military? how do we fulfill our obligation to seniors and the disabled by providing them the most meager of means? how do we build roads and bridges? how do we send a robot the size of my F-150 to Mars in 9 months? how do we fund research for cures to diseases like Parkinsons and Alzheimers? It would be nice if these could simply pay for themselves but they do not. so we must decide what our priorities are and then decide how we will fund them. I have put forward my plan. What is yours? Because just cutting, cutting and cutting is not a plan.
There will be more jobs and the taxes on the workers will make up for it. If it doesn't, we'll just get rid of the depts of Ed, energy, treasury, justice, ag, interior, commerce and HHS. Just don't touch dod, we need to make sure Venezuela, north Korea and Iran don't invade the us of fuckin a!
you get rid of all of those departments and there will be no need for the dod because you will not have anyone educated enough to use the technology of the military. why not just stop for a second and see what you are asking for. furthermore, your theory about decreasing taxes and increasing revenues, gdp, etc. has been proven incorrect time after time. if you were right then gdp growth should have been considerably higher than 1.7% during the Bush years. We were doing things your way and that is what led us into this crap.
While I agree that Bush did the same shit and did it more often than I liked; Obama has upped the ante. It's not bullshit. Case in point - The executive order that basically implements the Dream Act. That is not small potatoes.