Two questions. 1/ What did he do? Witness tampering but I don't understand if it is related to anything Trump- which is my 2nd question. 2/ How (if it even is) is it related to anything Trump?
Good point. I believe this is Mueller working to turn a key player in collusion......if there was any. It’s also a typical prosecutorial ploy to expand investigations and follow where evidence leads.
Believe he got into trouble as a lobbyist and not paying taxes. Though he ran Trump’s campaign for several months, I think his troubles fall under the heading of prosecutors going after any crimes they come across.
He was on bail for alleged tax fraud, money laundering, and illegal lobbying, all of which were prior to working for Trump's campaign. It isn't unless you are Mueller and have nothing left to pursue other than pressuring him to testify that Trump colluded with the Russians. Under bail conditions, he wasn't supposed to contact people but he used encrypted phones.....I would have too. The government, the FBI, the CIA, the DoD, and certainly Meuller are the ones who cannot be trusted. Notice how this is now what the media is covering instead of the IG report. We and they should be demanding action against Clinton and all those involved, mostly the FBI and it's agents. THAT should be the news of the day. But old magician's sleight of hand....look here while I do magic over there. Stop focusing on what they tell you to.
Excellent. I think a growing number of people smell the shit....they may not see it yet but they know it's there. Don't deny it or clamp your olfactory. It is indeed shit and it needs to GTFO.
"Stop focusing on what they tell you to",...and just believe Trump, I suppose @lsutiga , Manafort broke the terms of his arraignment and now faces an additional charge of witness tampering,.. so now he's in jail, awaiting his trial,.. last I heard that is slated for July. Mueller knows what his team is investigating, but he's not talking about it,.. you/we know very little about what he's doing,.. other than the occasional indictment, evidence seizure, and now this,.. what we hear is media speculation, unknowing politicians spouting their spin on it,.. and the White House, yapping "fake news" and "witch hunt". the IG report is a different matter and should absolutely be investigated,.. for all we know, Mueller's evidence trail may have led him to the IG report already. It's still early, a long way to go,.. I don't think Don jr, nor Jarod Kushner have even been interviewed yet. maybe we'll learn something during the Manafort trial,
GDF, I was at a camp on the river yeateday and missed the news so am just getting caught up. DAYUM!! FBI is ridin dirty. No way any rational person can still say Hilary was given a pass. i mean, the FBI texting that they will stop Trump from being elected- wow. As for the ongoing investigation and still have a long way?!?! Shew, this long and notta thing tells me the ones who should be in trouble have already left the building.