As far as I'm concerned, PP has exhibited no behavior, attitude, or anything else that would indicate that he can't be taken for his word in his time at LSU. If PP says this is garbage, then I believe him until someone proves otherwise. I honestly think these outlandish claims on that show are just to get people watching. It's of no consequence to HBO if they're bogus; they're getting the attention they wanted already. I also think he should have went all Les Miles on their asses and said: "I speak for me in this matter. I chose LSU on my own, I went to LSU. Nobody paid me or gave me anything to do so. I'm excited about the opportunity my damn strong combine performance has afforded me. I won't be taking questions on this matter. I'm busy, I have a draft and a professional football career to prepare for. Have a great day!"
Am I being a homer if I don't believe anything I have heard except for the fact that Auburn pays it's players?
I was thinking the same thing and in fact said nearly these exact words when me and my dad were discussing this yesterday.