Re: Patrick Johnson...not anymore i brought porkchop womack into an every day conversation. of course im serious.
Re: Patrick Johnson...not anymore You had me going there for just a second. I object to calling him PP. That's my nickname.
**** ****ing ****it. I want two Irish Wolfhounds, and one was going to be Jones or CJ, and the other PJ, and I am not naming my my new dog PP.
Tiger Bait had me until "Dan Fogelberg, Hula Hoops, Zima, and Pac-Man"! If not for that overplayed Christmas song, I wouldn't even know who Fogelberg was.
Re: Patrick Johnson...not anymore Aaaand it took me a second to realize who wrote this. I was relieved to read about the Zima- I kinda thought you were serious for a second.
Re: Patrick Johnson...not anymore Little brother will also start his freshman year at Redemptorist. I hear he is as good or better than Patrick was at his age.