parking for 2011

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by tigerleg24, Nov 16, 2010.

  1. Meathead

    Meathead Founding Member

    Feb 19, 2003
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    I will make whatever arrangements I need to make. I have friends I tailgate with in BR who I can ask to get my $40 pass on Friday for me. I read nowhere that says that you have to get your pass in person.

    And when we do tailgate, we do get up there at the ass crack of dawn. Otherwise, our spot will be overrun by the hoard of other tailgaters who converge on the same spot.

    Lastly, I don't know where you got the impression that when I tailgate I just show up. I am usually the one in our group, along with one or two others, who actually gets up there early to set everything up. I go out & get all the required food & beverage the night before. We do whatever cooking we need to do either beforehand or on the spot.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Well, I just don't think it has become that bad or the stadium would be half empty. Everybody I know that wants LSU football tickets buys them. Some have had season tickets for decades, others go around with fingers up.

    I'm sure there are many people who have to make budget decision regarding tickets. I dropped my own basketball tickets for instance. I just don't think LSU has much of a choice in raising prices. Everything else in the world has gone up. LSU Athletics is a self-supporting business that must run at a profit. It's life.
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  3. Meathead

    Meathead Founding Member

    Feb 19, 2003
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    I was referring to Jester's statement of: "I can't think of any other sporting event, or even most concerts, for that matter, where individuals pay that much, and more, for a seat."

    My point is that there are plenty of events that cost more than LSU football. And if you prefer I point to college football, give me some time & I will come up with college programs that cost as much or more than the NFL.

    In the grand scheme, LSU football is a bargain.
  4. Meathead

    Meathead Founding Member

    Feb 19, 2003
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    Those MILLIONS that LSU football pulls in doesn't just go into one big slush fund. All that money has to fund softball, soccer, gymnastics, golf, swimming, track, and even our beloved baseball. These are the non-revenue generating sports. These are the Title IX sports required by the NCAA. These are the things that we have to do as an athletic program in order to remain active in the SEC & NCAA.

    And while we do make enough extra to do things like build new upper decks and basketball practice facilities and completely refinish our national champion track field, if you want to continue to pay for more of that, the money has to come from somewhere.
  5. LSUtiger327

    LSUtiger327 Pow right in da kissa

    Nov 10, 2004
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    you may be right about that but several people are under the impression they will get them in person the night before. i have no idea how they are going to do this. i guess someone with start up capital can buy a bunch and then sell them for $60-$80 on gameday.

    i apologize. i assumed incorrectly when you said you got up to BR after all the spots were gone.
    your role and mine are similar i guess which befuddles me even more why you would back further increases to your tailgating financial responsibilities.
  6. Meathead

    Meathead Founding Member

    Feb 19, 2003
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    As I was typing my reply, I thought the exact same thing. What is to stop someone form buying up 50 parking passes & flipping them for a profit? I would almost guarantee that they will hav a better system in place before any of this comes to fruition.

    What I was saying was that by the time we got up there this year, there were no spots left to park due to the mad rush on free parking spaces. Hopefully charging for the spots will dissuade some of those cars from parking in spots that are advantageous to tailgaters.

    And in the grand scheme, $40 is not a lot of money, especially when you spread the expenses around. If I have one guy pay for the food, another pay for the beer, and I bring the equipment & set it all up & have to pay for parking, I'm not gonna starve to death.

    I think the problem most people have is not having to spend $40, it's having to spend $40 on parking. Go look at every tailgate on campus. Many of them have more than $40 worth of beer in their cooler every single week.

    I also think it is funny that there may be people who will complain about having to pay $50 for a trailer pass, but those same people didn't think twice about having their $500 trailer covered in custom paint or graphics to the tune of thousands of dollars.
  7. LSUtiger327

    LSUtiger327 Pow right in da kissa

    Nov 10, 2004
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    i know, i was effing with you.

    honestly, if money was no object for me, i guess i would have little reason to bitch about this (although i would still bitch about $40 as opposed to $20). but i don't take weeks off for home games (the last tailgate i missed was 1999, no wait what am i saying the actual last one was tulane 08, the day my daughter was born) and am planning a trip to dallas next season just like i did for ATL earlier this season.

    looking at my budget for next year things will be tighter than ever (i know you don't care) so maybe that 5 gallon party punch i made that everyone seemed to love will have to disappear. maybe that appetizer that costs $40-$50 will have to be gone and go towards parking.

    our krewe spread out food responsibilities several years ago so that we alternate paying for food. maybe we'll have to make sandwiches, instead of brisket, jambalaya, ribs, etc.

    maybe we go an extra year with beat up tents, or tables, or audio equipment, because we can't afford new stuff.

    now i can't believe we are the only krewe stuff like this will affect in a similar way. none of us are funded by businesses, or parents, or whatever (not saying you are).

    and i think it's awesome if none of those things will change for you, once again congrats, i'm totally jealous. but honestly, i don't care what affects everyone else, i care what affects me and my krewe.

    and i don't even want to use the "M" word, but i've had to seriously consider over the last 48 hrs that after being in the same spot for 15 years, we might have to move. and our spot is special to us (hell, our krewe name bears our location within it). people i haven't seen since the 90's know where we tailgate.

    the other really bad thing is that my wife said we won't be able to afford paying to park as well as continue our donations (no, i'm no high roller, i give what we can) to the alumni assoc, and to "forever LSU" campaign.

    probably programs that need my money more than the ath dept. once again, if fans can continue the same donation rate then more power to them.
  8. lsu_dane

    lsu_dane Founding Member

    Nov 13, 2005
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    I didn't mean 92,000 parking spots. Everyone I personally know has at least 2 season tickets, and the LARGE MAJORITY of them are 4 season ticket holders.

    Have sections that are first come first serve that's set up specifically for season ticket holders. That would certainly take some of the sting away. Let's keep in mind, it's not $40 a season, it's $40 a GAME.

    You want to tax 1 time a year people - I'm all for paying $40. But don't hit your most loyal (in terms of given income to LSU) fans the hardest. Or if you're going to do it, at least give them some incentive so it doesn't feel so harsh.

    Of course, if they take this money and spend some of it for a parking garage that you have to pay to park in. . . I'd be all for that.
  9. TCUTiger

    TCUTiger Founding Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    FWIW, prices on everything in college football at every school are going up. I still have to DONATE for the RIGHT to buy 2 parking spots at TCU that increased 5 X in just one season this year. You have to ride a bus from free parking at a TCU game.

    Wait till you come to DFW for the Oregon game, YOU WILL pay extra just for a spot that allows you to tailgate. Early advice, look to the SE part of Cowboys stadium and find the RV lot (I think 14 or 15) and you should be ok. Expect to pay $75 for a spot that allows tailgating, expect those spots to sell out, expect to pay a min of $40.00 anywhere else including the businesses on the west side of the stadium way over on Collins Blvd.:geaux:
  10. TCUTiger

    TCUTiger Founding Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Check what donors at Tex A&M pay for what they get to watch.

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