Oh it's OK red! You never have had any credibility, other than you live on a chat site. I believe that is more pathetic than LSU's offense.
Ironically if the D does not blows that last drive with the Gumps we are in Georgia and we are all talking a very different talk. One drive, three big plays. 10-2 is a good record, that we have a very good shot at improving 11-2 and end up in the top 5. In any other year we would be happy, this year we are still burning for the loss in January and we wanted another shot ASAP. Still, one drive made the difference. This is LSU football, this is SEC football. At least we are not Ole Miss.
I want you, with all your wealth of credibility, to tell us all that LSU's offense has been good for the last six years. Please tell us all that finishing 92nd in passing offense this year, has not been the norm for the last six years. If we would have finished even in the top third of the stat categories on offense, we would have a couple of BCS National Championships. As far as putting a vote to your legend on TigerFan.com, I laugh at you!
I hope you give your kids a little more slack than you do Miles. You beat their asses for A minuses? You must be perfect. And by the way, who's the bigger asshole? The guy who is respected on a chat site or the troll on a chat site? Have a great day.
86 wins in 8 years...35-5 in 3 years best record in the BCS the last 8 years ain't mediocrity sport. You make all the statements about where LSU would be if Les wasn't coach.... what are you clairvoiant? do you predict the future??...how are you doing in the market??? do you make your living in Vegas???? or read tea leaves???? You are a one trick pony..why don'y you give it a rest?
These are the Golden Years of LSU Football as of late, too bad some are missing them. The defense had one thing last year, everytime a QB came to the line, he looked around to find TM7.