Respect vs jealousy. Respect who you are and what you stand for. Embrace the challenge ahead of us and have many good times with friends and family.. Time for the Tigers to get back to work.
The stable of runningbacks is #33 and the others. Hill should be getting the vast majority of runs, I would say. It is nice to mix in fresh legs, but Hill has shown himself to be superior to the others. I don't feel like we quite have the "stable" that we brag on. Also, Les missed the point RE Sheppard - where the hell is he? When given the ball he has shown the ability to do good things. Why not use him as running back on occassion. And if we are going to run the wild-tiger, don't only run it on 4th downs, gd it. Agree with the defense - perplexing. Fricking Les Miles. F#cking Les Miles.
10-2 is a satisfactory result for this season, given the reality of who we are, what we are and where we are, in the 2012 season. We had some bad luck with our roster: injuries, dismissal of Mathieu, Mett being less ready than expected. The team did well to finish 10-2.
Not many teams could have finished 10-2 with the loss of your starting CB, PR, OG, Both OT's, LB and starting RB. We did very well.
I think we under-achieved in regard to my mid-summer expectations. I think we over achieved looking back at the season and all of the injuries and other losses we had. If we had oline intact and TM I believe we would be playing the Irish.
Most of the Offense over-achieved and Most of the Defense under-achieved. Especially towards the end of the season when it mattered most.
Completely missed the point, which is perspective. That game could have just as easily cost them a NCG shot had it not been for Oregon and KState both crapping the bed. And Okie State last year. NC's are often just as much about luck than skill. Where would LSU have been had Mathieu not turned out to be a dumbass and we had a healthy O-line? Yet Les gets stuck with the derp Mad Hatter rep while the other gets deified. One gets a pass for a dumb, crucial game-time decision with a NCG appearance on the line, while another gets heavily scrutinized for a 10-win season.
Les could've COMPLETELY changed that perception with a win in January. I know that schedule was daunting. That was a great team etc, etc, etc...It was the absolute EPIC FAILURE of a face-plant coaching job he did for the most important game probably in our entire football history. Hard to expain what happened in the dome.