Our players deserve better

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Crip*TEAM KATT, Nov 21, 2009.

  1. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    Saban sux,
    he is not trashing LSU he is trashing the coach.

    although many have defended Miles, I never have. I prefered Saban, he is a better coach X's and O's

    Some one always bring up the integrity issue. Saban said he made a mistake, he would have come back to LSU if the job was open.

    I wish it would have been. Miles is a great guy, good recruiter, he is a gambler, calls some gutsy plays, etc. but he isnt top tier.

    No it isnt the 90's and I am glad we win more than those days.
    the past is the past, good memories and bad.

    Unfortunately when you pay someone that much money, it isnt about the past. And it sure isnt making excuses based on how sorry we were once upon a time.

    Coaching is a job. People screw up at their job, Miles is just doing it a little too often for his salary range.

    He needed to come clean and admit he screwed the pooch to begin the interviews, then he could have announced some major changes.

    then to quiet the head hunters he should be asking Crowton to leave.... we can muddle through the ARK game using a game boy as an Offensive Co-ordinator, we'd be about as good either way.

    Your continued support of pitiful performance and obvious dodging of the truth is just making people laugh at you.
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