I don’t know what his basis for relief is, but I’d say that kid deserves something. He’s got every right to file a lawsuit. I would say, however, that it’s very rare that the two sides share the same story. I imagine Webb remembers it differently.
I tell this to teachers and coaches ALL the time if they leave their class. Parents always look to the teacher/coach for blame in a kid’s wrong-doing. And I get the supervision responsibility, I do.
Some schools already have that. Not sure what letter of law is now but that’s why an intercom has to beep when you buzz a teacher’s classroom. Something about privacy cause teachers (LONG ago) would be monitored without their knowledge via intercom. One took it to ct.
My sons school has cameras, not sure if they are in the classroom but I know the halls have them, probably the gym and cafeteria as well
The had intercoms even when I was in school. Sometimes the principal would use it to call a list of name he wanted the teacher to send to the office. Like in Mrs Smith, send tiga, shane, bengal b, tirk ramah and kikicaca to the office. Then I knew we were all in trouble for something. When he would break in and say, "Mrs Smith. Send Bengal B to my office." I knew I was in big trouble.
And when they break in, there is a beep. This is to stop them from “listening” without teacher knowing.
Screw all that ... The Emperor has no Clothes ... Just have Kirby announce the NEWEST Gatoraid Flavor ... Clay Webb Protein Punch