It's a pretty grotesque accusation and story. Feel badly for the kid and hope he finds some justice that helps him out. Especially disturbing how the bullying worsened.. Clay Webb is currently on Georgia's team, but is from Alabama.
We can all agree that it's taking things way too far so let's talk about what's going on now. I just don't understand the decision to wait until now. What sort of retribution are they seeking? Humiliation? Pfft that kid doesn't care that he nutted in a bottle and some dope drank it. If anything it looks worse on the dope that drank it. Money? Well maybe should have waited until he is going to make some if any? I don't get it, should have just beat his ass and go about your business. This is ugly and shameful but most of all it's stupid and should not be allowed to consume any of our time. The fucking lengths that people will go for their 15 minutes is downright startling
Kirby got him yet, another morally corrupt 5*, but just damn on the bammer school population for being double headed dicks as a follow up. The abuse that followed was arguably worse than the actual offense. This is fucked up infinity
The statute of limitations was probably about to run. That’s why like 75% of lawsuits are filed when they are filed.
I figured, and that makes it even worse. There just isn't anything for anyone to gain from putting this out there. Stupid on all parties
If true, the kid is a POS and deserves to be run out of school ... Any idiot like that has no place in an SEC institution ... Belongs in prison getting bullied ten times a day
Probably based off legal advice. The father is the one bringing the charges. I suspect the kid being bullied into oblivion had they done it sooner it would have only gotten worse. I don't see anything wrong with bringing to light this kind of sick shit. Gives parents a chance to talk to their kids and be like, hey, jokes are fine but this is over so many lines. Don't be Clay Webb or his dick teammates. Then make them watch The Breakfast Club. lol.
Don't get me wrong, shane, I think the kid was dumb as rocks for drinking it to begin with. Don't know the dynamics of that locker room. Apparently the coach might catch heat since he's not supposed to leave them in the locker room unattended. Just a crazy situation. Seeing the UGA board blaming the victim was pretty disturbing, too.
No I get it, and like I said it's pretty far over the line but now it's even more of a shit show. Hard to imagine what the end game is. At this point all I see is a full display of how deranged our society has become and after everyone talks about it nothing really happens. Mainly because some other idiot will steal the spotlight and on to the next