Con job of the century. This was intended to fail to push for a single payer system...
And another bites the dust!
Thanks Holloween. When I saw that on the news I planned on looking for/kicking this thread. Wonder if NC will admit now?
Of course not, because it is right on schedule. Exactly what they wanted all along. This was designed to fail and many of us called it in'08. That doesn't mean it's right or good, in fact it's worse than ever.
Maybe designed to fail if they are that smart. Did they know so many states would back out? I think at best they thought it was plan b. Making healthcare affordable is a good thing. Just wish they'd divorce it from employers.
Of course, you can't be this much of a toolshed, well, on second thought yes you can. This was always, ALWAYS designed to funnel down to single payer. They knew it couldn't be sustained because of the economics and the libs win. Wealth redistribution at its finest.