only proven Liar James Clapper has denied it. HR Haldeman & John Erlichman unavailable for comment.
If its true its bad for President Trump, if its false its bad for President Trump. Not sure why he would rant on this, he is not a very smart guy sometimes. Watches too much Fox news, lol. I am very interested on how this part of the story turns out, I think it may just whimper away as most of his outrageous tweets go. But I suppose its something for people to get upset about on the right, oh how they love to hate President Obama and Hillary. We live in some interesting times.
I don't hate Obama or HRC. I didn't like their politics. Hate as it relates to politics is a strong, overused word in my opinion.
With the exception of a pill my cardiologist started me on about 6 months ago, I'm taking the same meds I've been taken for at least 5 years. Try again.