They are going after it. I think 75 mil for fisher is stupid as hell. Until they change their recruiting style, I don’t see much changing.
Actually what I said was you were exaggerating my position, like me saying you gobbling O’s knob would be an exaggeration. So no I actually didn’t call you a gob knobbler. Or a douche, or a retard, or a twat. But proceed sir. Edit: lol I said gob knobbler
I didn’t say you were sucking a dick, I said what you said about what I said would be like me saying you were sucking a dick. And then you proceed to be offended. That’s some fuckin logic right there.
Yep. UT and TAM were convinced they had the answers a few years ago with Strong and Sumlin. Everyone wants to believe that their new guy is the answer. Thank God we don't have that problem here.
You’re obviously confused. By the way, it’s a euphemism for seeing no wrong and being a blind follower. Which I said was an exaggeration. Try and keep up. I know English is hard.