It's not as much about the plays in the book but how you use them. A good OC is using formation, timing and deception etc to your advantage. Also coaching the line and receivers as well as QB to do the right thing on every play......discipline. We can do fine with the current playbook if Ensminger has any smarts.
I like bae bae... But it's going to take a win over Bama for him to be out HC next year I would suppose. I think we get Todd Herman..
He will be along with Peveto, bit they can clean house now with all good coaches still coaching. I also would have gone with Craig as OC. There is a reason Ensminger hasn't been an OC in years.
I thought Ensminger should have been asked to go too. Didn't he coach QB's at some point during his time at LSU? Or has he always been with the TE's? The best I can hope for Coach O is that he turns the ship around and we become to look like a respectable team, and that the next HC will keep him around. He is too good a recruiter to let go and he does a fairly good job with the DL.
I meant Tom.. I have no earthly idea why I said Todd.. I had a Les Miles moment.. Excuse me my brain trying to shit the last 12 years of him out.
I meant to type CAN'T clean house now. They need coaches to finish the season. I think it will be a clean sweep on the offensive side when it's all said and done.