I was talking about you since you hate everything about LSU and actively root for a Tigers to have a shitty season
Would be easy to defend if all we did was lose to Bama. But you know. Bama is only one of the losses.
19-10 his last 2 years and 4 games here. Middle of the pack shit just like at okie lite. The truth of the matter is the players won in spite of him not because of him. He was a great recruiter and mediocre coach. When the talent at other places caught up he was exposed. It was time for him to go, a few years too late actually. Oh and @TigerTap they fired him and he isn't coming back Oh one more thing, Ed O is the head coach of the LSU Tigers Bwaaa hahahahaha
All by Saban. But did the product Saban put on the field get worse and worse by the year until it smelled like that stuff that has been in the back of your refrigerator for the last 5 years?
I don't recall the use of "sunshine pumper" when describing your comments. I do recall people taking issue with some of the things you were posting because you were cherry picking seasons, numbers, records, et al ...all in efforts to support your thoughts. Case in point: You were pretty adamant pointing out how Les had reached the 100 win plateau in his 10th year while pointing to coach's before him not reaching that total. Yet, all the time, ignoring the fact all those coaches before him weren't coaching in as many games as Les per season. Cherry picking, if I've every seen a case. Vball called you out on another case: When conference games make up 75% of a regular season, it matters--a great deal. I'm likely to regret asking this. But, the curiosity factor ... What the hell are you talking about here? "Support...or fired?" Can you cite an example of what you're talking about?
You said the issue was losing to Bama. I guess you missed all the other losses in your fapping to Lester.
Once again running your mouth and not knowing what the hell youre talking about. There is no mass exodus of season ticket holders jackass. Every year has ticket holders not renew and others added.