It took 40 tries to get WD-40 right. Stands for Water Displacement 4oth try. Thomas Edison tried a couple of hundred times before he got the light bulb to work.
That ought to be fun. His personalities will undoubtedly argue over the selection phase while eating fancy feast with a spork.
For some reason you can't come back with anything relevant to the conversation that took place in the last decade. I've never seen anyone live in the past as much as you. Miles' win/loss percentage, O's record 13 years ago at OM, etc. Damn you're a stubborn son of a bitch! I can't wait to hear the excuses when O suprises everyone this year.
So if Coach O succeeds it's not him but if he fails... Not too fair. Surrounding oneself with good assistants is critical in any field. As for 10 try's ago, sheesh, that's half a career in coaching. He's been many places since then and hopefully learned a lot. Why not at least take wait and see?
Because taint is an idiot and one of the few that refused to see the downward spiral we were in. A good head coach hires great assistants and lets them do their job just like a good CEO hires great managers. If Miles would've done that and kept his inept hands out of things he might still be here.
Don't get hung up on how many stars a recruit has, many fizzle out because they think they don't have to do the work. Look at the players drive, Honey Badger barely had 3 stars and was probably the best pure football player to walk our campus. Those stars may mean something in high school, but at the college and pro level, a player has to grow or he will be passed by those who do. In college everyone has skills and the winners hone those skills and become better, the entitled just waste their talent and flop out. We have had our share of those. You gotta do the work!!!
Recruiting is good for headlines right now. Let's see how many who commit now sign and how many stars they have then. Likewise let's see how they fit our needs. Depending on the emotions and decisions of 17-18 year old children for your happiness is a losing proposition. As with the rest of Oeaux's tenure let's judge him on his performance next year when January rolls around. Commentary is fine but final judgment now is just premature ejaculation.