Two things about that video...first, the score thing you mentioned, a real buckeye would've known that, believe me, there's not one that doesn't know 41-14, secondly, neither of those hats looked like they'd ever been worn. It's some hater...
COMPLETE HIJACK OF THREAD: Tiga, that video was GREAT!!! Made me feel like I was at home! Thanks! And I showed it to everybody around me!
Make that 91 :wink: that could have showed up; there were 9 probably still in a holding cell (Article Here).
Nah, my friends are smart enough to not get caught :hihi: Way better than the riots after the win over michigan in 2002. We've been working on that as a fan base, still a ways to go, but much better.
Ten years ago that would have been at least 900. I'm not disappointed in only 30 people showing up to the airport...cuz I think that's wierd. The only people I would ever go to an airport to greet (other than family) would be armed forces personnel coming home from overseas. If I had been at the airport for some other reason I would have gladly given a hand to the Bucks, told them to keep their heads up, congratulated them on another great season and Big 10 championship...but if I ever drive to the airport specifically to welcome home a college athletic team I would ask all of you to remind me to readjust my priorities. Having said that...I'm surprised there were only 30 people there...cuz some people are just plain nuts . Also, if they really did fly into Rickenbacker, I wonder how many people were standing at Port Columbus waiting for the team...if I were one of those crazy people I would have gone to the wrong airport.
Jeez, I guess I really shouldn't tell you the story of me pulling off the highway in Orlando to cheer the team buses driving to the Citrus Bowl on!:hihi: