I'm glad Tiger fans greet their team win or lose. It was the MNC game! http://news.cincinnati.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2008801090388
WOW thats pretty pathetic, it's easy to cheer for a team that is expected to win. Its hard to cheer for the same team coming off a loss if you are a fairweather fan. It looks as though there are at leat 30 diehard OSU fans. Wasn't it last year when the Saints came off a loss over 300 people waited in the rain for their plane to show up? :LSU231: :milesmic: :geauxtige :crystal: :crystal: :crystal:
Apparently they lost some fans. Check this cat. [MEDIA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qu9vBEQ842I&feature=related[/MEDIA] He didn't even know the score- the "17" is stuck in his head. :hihi: .
You know, that crossed my mind but supposedly they had SO MANY more fans/alumni than us and if you watch this vid you'll see you can only imagine how many of our fans would have been there. Sooo, no excuses, imo. I do, however, understand why the team wouldn't be blue-eyed and bushy-tailed on the day after their second failed attempt in as many years, to win a National Championship. Academy on Seigan, midnight, AFTER the game. :shock: [MEDIA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jW_b6_XFlA&feature=related [/MEDIA]
The burning hat video must have been done by a Michigan fan. Even a very disappointed fan wouldn't burn hats and make a video of it to show to fans of every other school. Or would they? Glad that I didn't have to find out.:crystal:
Tiga, you're definitely on to something. Many of us were still in transit, myself included. However, it's dissapointing for me to not see more people there, as I know, personally, at least 100 buckeye fans that didn't come to NO. I do think the team knows that we strongly support them, but it's inexcusable for so many to do so little. I imagine most people in columbus turned off their televisions and avoided the whole subject in disbelief. Buckeyes tend to be very proud(as are many i realize), and our pride was hurt significantly in this game. Some of us are just more optimistic than others. Still a shame...:angryfire :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire