Read that in the paper a few minutes ago and had the same feeling. Jumbo Sports wanted to televise it but the game would have to start at noon or 6 to do so. Auburn refused to move the game. It also seems like a crazy television rule to me as well.
Last night doing the pbp, I had he radio on and the tv. Radio was about 5 secs ahead so I'd start typing Hawthorne's call and then watch it on TV. Well, I had to change several balls to strikes and visa versa and multiple hits to left field, I had to switch to right when I saw the play. He's been doing this too long.
yep. i agree on all counts. sometimes when doing pbp i just flat out miss something cause we arent even told what happened till three at bats later. not to mention what i now call the "jimisms". like this one tirk pointed out in the uno thread: i hereby proclaim this to be the international symbol of a "jimism" i dont remember the game he said it, but its from the jimism of "lets not beat a dead horse to death". :hihi:
Funny. I was thinking that he should stick to football and take a break during baseball season. He's OK at basketball, although I gotta wonder how long till Jordy takes that over. But let someone else call baseball. Now, I'm not asking for more Charles "Joe Morgan" Hanagriff. He's aight, but he needs to take less valium. I'm finding there such a thing as too much Jim. But I LOVE it when I can synch up TiVo with the radio during football season - can't replace the emotion.