Good post, but I agree that it's time to move on. Kragthorpe Mett Rivers Randall Kiel The future at QB is so bright, you gotta wear shades!:thumb::thumb::thumb:
Well tigermark ... I just disagree with so much of what you said. So much of it is out of context, and plays up to conceptions that are false. 1) I don't think both QBs were mediocra. CLM's playbook and game plan is what made Lee look mediocra. And ... it was a failure on the part of people like you who refused to realize that the kid playing this year was not the same kid playing 3 years ago, who threw a bunch of pick 6's. I don't even think JJ was as bad as he looked. He too suffered from CLM's poor playbook that played to JJ's so-so running ability. 2) .. apparently it is only hard to get your job back if your name is Jarrett Lee ... as JJ had no problem at all. He was worked progressively back into the system the minute he got back. Even though Lee came in and saved the day several times last year ... he, just like this past year, was relegated to the bench in the final several games. 3) JJ giving us the best chance to win .. is just total B.S. That was proven last monday night. I guarantee you that we would not have even been 8-0 going into the Bama Game if JJ had been starting the whole time. Oregon would have eaten his lunch. But .. you are free to believe the talking points all you would like. The problem with Lee and Bama was an offense that was designed for JJ. The common denominator of both Lee and JJ sucking was an offense designed for JJ. Mark my words .. Mett will suck just as badly if the offense continues to be designed for JJ. Heck ..RG3 would suffer under this game plan. ON THIS NOTE OF BAMA ... funny thing. When that vaunted Bama Pass Rush came at Lee, and sacked him, all we hear from JJ homers is that Lee is afraid to be hit .. Lee crumbles under pressure, etc etc etc. When that same pass rush came at JJ .. and he got sacked, or threw a pass at a blockers back, or threw an int ... it was because the O-Line sucked. .. Telling! 4) Nonsense. There are short route plays that simply cannot be defended unless the defense goes all in for it, which leaves open more prolific plays. The best a defense can do is stop the play at the point of reception. CLM's problem was that he does not believe in a short pass play strategy. ... Saban did .. and kicked our asses with it. 5) Like I said ... your stuck on stupid if you drag up his freshman year. And, in reality, that is what it is all about for people like you. Others here drag up stats from 3 years ago, as if they matter a hill of beans. Maybe CLM is also one of those who refused to leave the past in the past. Too Bad .. because it affected the way he designed his offense .. and it proved fatal against a team with a good run defense.
You are delusional. RGIII would suck in that offense??? You are trying to hard now bro Just accept that both Lee and JJ are not good QB's neither ever were and neither ever will be! PERIOD!!! And how can Jarrett Lee fight to get a job back that was never his to begin with. You have a starting QB and a back up QB. Every team follows those same guidelines. When the starter is out, the back up steps up, when he starter returns, the back up goes back to the bench. I just dont understand why you can't grasp that concept.
... and delusional i will stay .. thankyou. For arguments sake .. because I like to "debate" .. ... JLee WAS the STARTING QB for the first 8 games. JJ didn't even play in the first 4 games. JJ wasn't even on the team in the first 4 games, and as such, JLee could not be the backup for a person who is not even on the team. JJ's suspension was a purgatory until the case was settled. Had it been a confirmed felony, he'd a never set foot back on the field. Appartently .. I'm not the only one delusional. JLee got invited to TWO post season showings ... JJ ..not so much. Funny ... how is it that the QB that gave us the best chance to win gets no invites .. while the "backup QB", who started the first nine games then was benched for two ints, gets two invites. ... .it's because ... cooler heads will rule. The guys who took them at face value, and really couldn't have cared less if LSU won or loss tend to think Lee was the greater potential. To bad CLM didn't think so. JLee could have been something special if CLM had not invested the last 3 years in Jefferson. .. and designed his offense around Jefferson. And .. I'll stand by my words ...RGIII would have sucked in CLM's offense as it was designed and executed. He wouldn't have even been able to air the ball out like he did at Baylor .. he'd a been running the option, and handing the ball off to our stable of backs. ... and he would have been sacked by Bama just like Lee and JJ were.
None of what I said is out of context. The only thing that is out of context is you wanting people to believe that Miles purposely benched the better QB because he didn't like him. That is a context that is completely and utterly reeediculous. This is not high school. Well, I think that you are wrong and we can agree to disagree. Both are mediocre and Miles did the best he could to hide their faults. Miles' so-called poor playcalling is a direct result of the mediocre play of the QBs, not the other way around. Because... JJ WAS THE BETTER PLAYER! Sorry, reality sucks when your cousin sits on the bench. That makes much more sense than some soap opera that would make us believe that Miles is a petty jerk that sits players that he doesn't like. His ability to recruit and the players love for him are plenty enough proof to me that he is not a "bigot". You can guarantee nothing about what would have happened had JJ not gotten into trouble. You have no idea. I have no idea. It is what it is and we will never know no matter how much you insist that you are brilliant. As far as the offense being designed for JJ and that is why JL failed... you are completely clueless on this one. The only reason we won the danged first Bama game is because with JJ in there it was a different offensive look than what Bama was ready for. Sheesh. I am not going to mark your words on anything when it comes to Mett. You know little about football and so if Mett does struggle, it will have nothing to do with anything that you have brought up. LSU could not throw the ball 5 to 7 yards without getting into trouble with Bama rushing 4 and dropping everyone else into short pass coverage. We did not need a short passing game. We needed a vertical passing game to go over the top on the D. JJ has shown he can do that this year. That is what we needed. Long passes over the defenders 15 or more yards down the field to pull the LBs back and keep the DBs from crowding the line. Short passes would have been INTs. But guess what? It did not work. JJ ran for his life and looked like a deer in the headlights and missed wide open guys down the field. Just like the rest of the offense, he had a horrible night. I am not bringing up stats from previous years. I am simply saying that maybe just maybe, the second string QB is not a super star QB that can do no wrong. Maybe he is not as accurate as you would portray and that is why Miles tried to hide his weaknesses. I don't think that Miles relied on the past, he saw him every day in practice. And he still benched him. I just can't buy into the notion that Miles played JJ because he "liked" him more as a person. And I know that I will get reamed for this, but it doesn't matter what play calls Miles had called in that game, if our offense does not execute the simple stuff like a WR holding a block on a CB on a screen play we were not going to beat that Bama D. I really don't think it was the play calling. It was the team being flat and that is where I think Miles failed in this one.
As neither of you can remember the reason the thread was started. TO THANK BOTH FOR THEIR EFFORT AND TIME AS TIGERS I ask the mods close the thread. There are plenty places to wage this fools debate please do it there or leave them and the past 5 years of QB futility in peace. I apologize for starting this. I had hoped it would be a place to bury the anger and disappointment but I guess it is too raw yet.
Actually, ALL spots SHOULD be an open competition for the job throughout the ENTIRE season. No! The starting QB should NOT automatically retain that title just because at one point or another he held it. I totally disagree with your stance that it should be completely understood by all to "grasp that concept" with reguards to the starting QB. If you're Brady, Peyton, Brees, etc., yes, bad games are NOT the norm for you and if you have to sit due to injury or other reasons, YES, THOSE types step right back into their job. But NOT when you're name is Jordan Jefferson and you have back-to-back games (both title games mind you) in which you fail to crack 60 yards passing in either and had a total of 86 yards! ...lets NOT forget ALL the games LAST year that JJ BARELY broke 100 yards passing. Again, any other program and ANY other coach on EVERY OTHER level of football, WOULD have made a change. Dane Crist, former 5-star HS recruit LOST his "starting" title after multiple games of ineffective play and turnovers. His "backup", Rees, became the starter and later broke the Irish record for completion % in a single season by a Freshman. So, I don't know why you can't "grasp" that the handling of the QB position by Miles can ONLY be summed up in a few ways: "irresponsible", "irrational" and downright "STUPID". 86 yards in 2 games?? <125 in a MULTITUDE of others?!?! There are probably members on this very forum that could have come close to those totals! ....even the 50+ year olds!
There ya go ... my case made. You don't even have a clue as to what I think. I think CLM invested in the wrong QB for the last 3 years. It has nothing to do with who he "liked" more or less. I"m sure he liked them both. It is a fact, .. .he designed his offense around JJ, and that in itself was a losing proposition because he is so limited in talent. You are right, we will agree to disagree. I think CLM taylored his offense around JJ. I think that LSU's offense would have been much more prolific had he taylored it around JLee. It is not a 2011 thing .. it is a thing of the last 3 years. He put his faith in the wrong guy. yep .. those post season invites just keep comming don't they .. because JJ was "the better player". LOL. You may have no idea, but I saw the same confused, mentally inept JJ I've seen the last three years in the Georgia Game .... not the Bama Game .. I'll give credit to Bama for that .. but the Georgia Game. Not hardly ... the only 3 points that JJ was responsible for, were the result of pure luck, in that it was busted coverage by Bama that allowed the pass to be completed to Sheppard ... as poorly thrown as it was. The other 6 points, including the game winning OT FG were the result of FP by Claiborne's int, and the rules of OT. I thought that was JLee who was the deer in the headlights. I thought JJ gave us the best chance to win, because of his feet. CLM even said so .. "we thought about Lee, but with the Rush they were bringing .. blah blah blah". This is all talking points .. the same ol crap. Miles never invested in Lee. End of story. And I don't give a rats azz how great JJ looked in Practice or at some camp ... he has not grown as a QB since he arrived at LSU. Lee .. otoh, put up his best numbers this year. I don't have a problem with you or anyone else faulting the O-line, or the rest of the offense for problems experienced. But that has not been the case. When Lee through the ints .. it was Lee's fault. When the Bama Rush hit Lee .. it was Lee's fault. And .. all of the sudden, JJ is "our best chance to win". I call B.S. on that perspective. JJ has never been our best chance to win. The same Bama Rush killed him just like it did Lee. But ... some still hold that JJ was our best chance to win .. that JJ you said, "was the better player". Well ... I respectfully disagree .. and apparently, so do a lot of other people.