Meh, I like it when tap shows up just to get everyone throwing their shit. It is a trigger in some that can't be helped and if you just maybe....maybe pretended you weren't or just didn't give a fuck, it wouldn't be the grenade throwing contest it almost always is. At least he can speak english which is leaps above some of the slack jawed jezebels that pop in from time to time. Point is, let him taint and let your silence do the heavy lifting
Perple wrote: "I'm posting this with the genuine hope that this board gets back to having some of the great arguments & discussions maybe not -ahem- the most intelligent arguments but it sure was fun. At least from point of view. Those 40-50 page throwdowns with nobody giving an inch, in a few obscure arguments, were page turners imo. No politically correct BS, no whining about who's who or "Oh, he called me a name, I'm now scarred & injured for life" stuff." I miss Red! Yep, he was a curmudgeon, but he knew his shyt and he loved his LSU. His "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" were the best synopses of every game!
Natty license plates
I have watched the National Championship game over and over. I love watching that jackass Clemson coach doing his running dance after going up 17-7 and then seeing him melt over and over as it slips away. LSU dominated them after the first qtr. And if Brennan can be 75% of Joe Burrow next year we will still be tough to beat,. .