I need somebody to watch the line to the Georgia/Auburn game. Post any updates here if it changes drastically. That means that Camborghini got suspended like some are expecting.
I personally couldn't give two flips about our SOS in regards to pulling for Bama to beat MSU. Our SOS is good enough whether Bama wins or loses that game to stand on it's own. If Bama lost to MSU, I'd be giddy. opcorn:
Our SOS doesn't change with Bama or Ms State winning that one since we beat both, at least to the computers. The human voters will think less of our Bama win and forget we dominated MSU, probably.
the point spread as of right now is blank for the auburn bull dogs game. Nov. 13 Georgia 12:30 p.m. at Auburn Favorite AUB AUB Point spread Total
You are 100 % correct. It's a perception thing, and MSU being a top 10 team doesn't have the same clout as Alabama.