Ugly win, but a win nonetheless against a highly ranked team. I'll take it. Now, if my Royals can only pull out a win tonight.
I remember saying we would win 3 more , Fla, Kentucky, Ole Piss, and still got along way to go.....everyone celebrate party hardy, and enjoy.......Until next time, stay safe, live happily, and GEAUX TIGERS
Ugly? when the d is playing its ass off, its always a thing of beauty to me. i forgot about our offense circa 2006.
I love when our D plays that well. But when you have 2 picks and 2 lost fumbles it is definitely an ugly win.
We beat the snot out of them. wat?!?! Les has brought this young team a long ways in a short time. We're twice as good as we were 2 weeks ago. If we had a QB we'd be dope.
Very proud of the defense and running game tonight . Now let's ruin Bammers season ....Geaux Tigahs!!!!!!!!!