Only a few minutes into the game and Ole Miss has already scored as many offensive TD's as we did all game, and against a much better opponent.
What do you know... another inexperienced QB already showing more in his 1st Qtr then ours has in 3 yrs. Too bad Fisher isn't in P&G, oh what might've been.
Ole Piss having a good showing. I think we MAY beat Moo U and the Faggies. Conference play doesn't look good for us.
If we can't score, we're in for a long season. I feel sorry for our defense. They're going to be in triathlon shape by the end of the season.
Hugh freeze and Chad Kelly or maybe francois and jimbo are going to magnify Les miles problems on a national level tonight. the juxtaposition of the offensive philosophies is going to bring even more exposure and heat to the archaic thinking of les miles. and thats a good thing. we need to get this ball rolling.
yeah first drive, fsu slow getting back they ran a second play within 5 or 6 seconds. we have never done that in maybe our history.