old coaching discussions - closed thread

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by lsuownz, Nov 23, 2007.

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  1. tenebrism

    tenebrism Founding Member

    Sep 4, 2006
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    Re: Officially had it with CLM

    ya know, i had this conversation with a friend of mine about a year ago. it old him our number one goal is the sec, everything else is after that.

    he of course didn't agree, said basically what you're saying now but there is one simple fact you're forgetting.


    look at auburn 04, undefeated in the sec and no invite. The SEC championship is decided by wins, plain out. The BCS is decided by voters with the help of wins.

    not only that, but to put the expectations of a national title on the shoulders of 18-23 year old men when they don't even control their own destiny in that regard is irresponsible.
  2. LSUGradin99

    LSUGradin99 I Bleedeth Purple 'N Gold

    Nov 17, 2003
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    Re: Officially had it with CLM

    What you heard:

    What :milesmic: actually said:


    CTIGER Founding Member

    Sep 27, 2003
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    Re: Officially had it with CLM

    What I don't understand is why people are considered fair weathered fans just cause they criticize the coach. If anyone on this board can honestly say they believe Miles did the best job coaching this year that he could have with the talent we had, they are crazy.

    We constantly came out to these games not ready to play. We made way too many penalties. After every close game or loss, all you heard is how the other team was up and played their best game against us. Why couldn't our coaches get our team up, and have them play their best game against anyone this year.

    While I am very happy with a 10 and 2 record, playing for SEC Championship, and Sugar Bowl. I am also dissappointed at the same time that we let a good oppurtunity to play for a national championship get by us. You don't get that chance very often. You make the best of it when you do.

    Now, I do not think Miles should be fired/ run out of town or anything like that. I also am indifferent of whether he takes Mich. job or not. If he leaves, it will be up to LSU to get a good coach in here to keep things going. If he stays, I believe we will keep enjoying winning seasons like the last three, but doubt to see any nat. championships in there.

    Sorry kind of long, but frustrating to see that some people think you are fair weathered fans cause you don't think your coach walks on water.
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  4. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    Jan 3, 2005
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    Re: Officially had it with CLM

    but many do. and those are, imo, fair weather fans.
  5. DownOnTheBayou

    DownOnTheBayou Say My Name!

    Oct 12, 2006
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    Re: Officially had it with CLM

    Ive been beating this dead horse for a while myself. I can only imagine how this forum was in the DiNardo era. Every single member here must have been fair weather fans, cause I know that piece of chit was criticized.
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  6. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Re: Officially had it with CLM

    Cause, he's "The HEAD COACH". :grin:

  7. DownOnTheBayou

    DownOnTheBayou Say My Name!

    Oct 12, 2006
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    Re: Officially had it with CLM

    you need to get the video of halftime, when Miles' girlfriend Tracy Wolfson,:) , interviewed him. It was classic Miles. she asked a question and he just started talking about nothing. I love watching Miles get interviewed, must see TV!
  8. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Re: Officially had it with CLM

    Wow, I'm amused that my hissy fit sparked a 5-page thread! To summarily review and hopefully wrap up a few points: Never did I suggest that CLM be fired. What I said was it wouldn't bother me if he chose to leave. If I were the AD, I would not fire him. I would discuss his goals with him. Since that was the issue in so many responses, let's go there for a moment. When everyone is 0-0, I see no problem with a stepping-stone fashion of goal setting, i.e. let's win the West, then the SEC, and then the NC. When mid-season comes around, and the system that will choose the NC game participants makes you its favorite, its time to re-prioritize. And let's all be honest: this site has been loaded with thread starter for months, saying "when's the AP poll come out?", "when's the first BCS poll?" ad infinitum. Now was everyone interested in those because they wanted to see how we rank in the SEC West?

    A few took my suggestion that CLM should have made an apology and turned it into an apology for not winning the NC. Incorrect, though I'll take some of the heat for using that word. What I want is for CLM to acknowledge that he did not prepare the team for the challenge of winning the NC very well. Would anyone dispute that? Can you look at us blowing a 17-point lead to Kentucky, at committing 10+ penalties in how many games?, at keeping inferior Alabama and Ole Miss teams in the game with mental errors and overall poor play, at coming out sluggish and failing to put Arkansas behind the 8-ball right from the start when we had the opportunity, and still not question the preparation? And maybe CLM is looking in his bathroom mirror tonight and saying to himself "I really blew it," but how can we know that if he's saying in public,"well, let's look on the bright side." That's not the attitude I expect from our head coach, and until this weekend, its never been an attitude we've seen from CLM. It was the kind of garbage we heard from Curly Hallman and Gerry DiNardo, as they blindly refused to acknowledge their mistakes week after week (and subsequently not correct them) until they were finally shown the door. CLM is better than that. What I expected from him is,"we're going to tear Tennessee a new a@@hole Saturday, whip someone's butt in the Sugar Bowl, and then I'm going to go examine my performance this season and figure out where I went wrong so the next time we get an opportunity to compete for a national championship, we don't blow it."
  9. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    Re: Officially had it with CLM

    USC's loss to UCLA was much worse of a loss than this loss to Arkansas.

    USC knew that all they had to do was win that game and then they would easily handle Ohio State. They blew it because it was their last game of the season.

    We still had either Georgia or Tennessee to face, so it was not a done deal.
  10. bhelmLSU

    bhelmLSU Founding Member Staff Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    Re: Officially had it with CLM

    A little over the top here.

    Fans on a message board are quite different from a team setting goals and why exactly would a coach re-prioritize after a poll comes out? These are the kind of things any coach wants to keep away from their players. As fans it is a whole different ball game.
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