old coaching discussions - closed thread

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by lsuownz, Nov 23, 2007.

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  1. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    Crowton made it clear at the beginning of the season that he would be combining his offense with the one these players had been running for their entire careers at LSU. No, this is not completely his offense because he did not throw everything out and start completely new. However, this is his offense hybrid or not. Miles is going to have more input on the offensive side of the ball because of his background, but you are foolish to attribute every mistake of this squad to him as if Crowton is a god. This has been a prolific offense this year, but has lacked consistency in many games.

    Pelini is certainly in charge of the defense and the statistics that ranked us so highly in the beginning, began to fall off to the end of the year. For the worst team in the SEC to roll up 466 yards on us(injuries notwithstanding), is unacceptable and I noted so last week. People merely proclaimed our statistical ranking in the SEC and the nation as proof that we were just fine.

    Again, injuries or not, the job of the offense is to score points, and the job of the defense is to stop the other team from doing so. Our offense did score points(never under 28 in any one game), but the defense got exploited towards the end of the season by various teams. It points to predictability and we got beaten because of it. Several posters have pointed out accurately that anyone can pick you apart if they are given 5-8 seconds to throw with little or no pressure.

    We have the athletes to shut anyone down, but somehow we didn't. I can't help but think that injuries were not the only influence on this late season break down.
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  2. NJtiger

    NJtiger Founding Member

    Oct 25, 2003
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    Re: New Head Coach

    I am one of those who was very upset to see Nick Saban leave and I didn't think Les Miles was the right choice to replace him. I don't like the fact that he is a player's coach and I think he's too vanilla on the sidelines, but I don't know that either thing is that important in the scheme of things. What I've learned to like about Miles is that he chooses strong assistants (unlike DiNardo and even at times Saban) and he gives them power. I agree with the criticisms of Miles himself but he definitely doesn't run this team alone. Anyway, I am somewhat indifferent to his staying or leaving. Sometimes, though, you have to be careful what you wish for because you might get it. The devil you know may be better than the devil you don't know, especially since there are so many college openings this year and LSU probably wouldn't pay a coach (unless it's Spurrier) as much as Miles is making.
  3. GarlicMeatball

    GarlicMeatball Founding Member

    Sep 11, 2006
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    Re: New Head Coach

    If Miles leaves here is my list:

    Rodriguez (WV)
    Spurrier (SC)
    Davis (UNC)
    Kelly (Cinci)
    Chow (Titans)
    Erickson (ASU)
    Pinkel (Mizzou)

    Basically, I want an offensive minded head coach. I want a head coach that we put points on the board and leave the deffense to the D-coordinator. That means that the Head Coach will have to bring in a D-coordinator that is special. Here is a list if Pelini leaves:

    Muschamp (AU) - knows LA recruiting and is aggresive
    Tenuta (GT)
    Bernman (south florida)
    Foster (Va Tech)
  4. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    Re: New Head Coach

    It might serve you well to call your local literacy chapter and enroll in some remedial reading comprehension classes. You first assignment should be to go back and re-read my post and see if you can determine what I actually wrote. :yelwink2:
  5. lsuownz

    lsuownz Founding Member

    Jun 11, 2007
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    i happy to see that most of you agree with me.
    i we blitzed woodson more im sure we would have beaten uk.
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  6. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    Pelini's forgotten more about coaching defenses than any 'know it all' who thinks differently will ever know. Just because YOU don't understand why he did or didn't do something doesn't mean there wasn't a valid reason. If he was a poor coach, then ALL of his defenses would suck. If memory serves, we were top 3 across the board last year and were No.1 for most of this year.

    Why don't you people open your eyes and your minds and look a little deeper into what's going on. The bottom line is, when healthy and rested, this defense is the best in D-I football. Unfortunately for us, we played one the toughest schedule in the best conference. The D is tired and banged up. That's all there is to it. I guarantee you right now that we will win whatever bowl game we go to because the team will have enough time in between now and then to heal and regenerate.
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  7. lsuownz

    lsuownz Founding Member

    Jun 11, 2007
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    cbs halftime show of ut and uk summed it up good
  8. lsuownz

    lsuownz Founding Member

    Jun 11, 2007
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    Re: New Head Coach

    the ole ball coach still has pletnty of ego left to prove that he is a
    great coach and anyone who thinks otherwise is just plain ole dumb.
  9. LsuCraig

    LsuCraig Founding Member

    Dec 17, 2004
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    Auburn held all of those backs to less than 100 yards rushing. Miles, Pelini, whoever......gave up 800 yards in 2 games against that team. They learned nothing from last year, learned nothing from what Auburn did.....and should be made to answer for that.

    Like I've already said, if I could choose who the next coach would be, I'd want Miles, Pelini....the whole bunch to hit the road. But I don't trust Skip to hire anybody.

    And to the poster above about Crowton's offense, trust me, I know this isn't Crowton's whole offense and it won't ever be. But you can't tell me running the ball on 4th and 2 at kentucky had anything remotely to do with Crowton. That's a piss-poor Miles call and he's to blame. 2 Loss Less strikes again.

    The guy is good for 2 losses a year on his own even if he had the Green Bay Packer defense because he's a mo-mo. He called 2 timeouts in regulation that just about got us beat yesterday in regulation. Can anyone explain the reason for those 2 timeouts? No one on earth can explain those......even Miles. He'll say the clock was on 10 seconds when it was on 57. Retard.
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  10. LsuCraig

    LsuCraig Founding Member

    Dec 17, 2004
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    You're right....he forgot to watch the Auburn-Ar-Kansas game footage from this year because they forced Casey Dick to beat them and held all those runningbacks to less than 100 yards. And he obviously forgot that his same vaunted defense gave up 400 yards rushing to them last year but was saved by a Holliday runback..........whatever dude. Scoreboard and 800 yards rushing in two games. You can't explain that away with injuries. If we're so injured we shouldn't be playing in the SEC Championship game then.
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