He wanted to go to wherever his father was. Maybe this will open the door for Derrick Odom or Mark Johnson. We all were pretty sure this would happen.
The word commitment doesnt mean a thing in recruiting these days. I dont trust anything anymore till they sign on the dotted line come signing day. The Ga. linebackers are the same way. Even Tebow could change his mind come signing day if he wanted too. It is all such a damn game from both sides now. Good schools play mid level talent and string them along to see if they can get the 4 and 5 star . The players commit and dont really mean it. They play the schools. This is what leads to corruption and violations . Recruiting is such a evil. If you dont get the good players you dont win consistently. But in order to get the good players you have to go around kissing their butt when you are offering them a free full paid scholarship. Recruiting is a dirty business and probably the most stressfull thing about being a college coach. The games are the fun for them.
Calco, I think we got the point. You think recruiting is a dirty business.... What is this, like your 5th post on the subject? :hihi:
Agree you can't take anything serious about recruiting till you acually have them signed! This was goin to happen it was just a matter of time Im not worried we will find someone else just as good.
This is an extreme circumstance. I dont think you get any more commited than saying you want to go there and your dad lines up a job in the state so he can watch his son play.
Well, then a few months ago he couldn't get anymore commited to us, then Katrina took out the area his dad was going to work.
Well, yeah! JoePa has lived in the same town for over 100 years now! He SHOULD know connections with every business in Happy Valley! :hihi:
I have posted it so many times i have stopped counting. If you still remember how many post then you must not have seen them all. !!! Just to make myself perfectly clear. Recruiting is a dirty business. There i feel better :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: