I can, and I judge them great people. Like I said, I've cultivated several personal relationships including a fairly lucrative business one on that forum.
Living here in Dallas, I get large amounts of Sooner, A&M, and Texas fans. While you can't make generalizations about everyone, they are the most realistic of the three groups. They seem to know and follow college football almost as deeply as us SEC fans.
I don't have a problem (anymore) with any of those three fanbases you mentioned. The Aggies used to be WAY obnoxious--but not so much these days (for obvious reasons.) My husband's best friend is an Aggie, and while he was on the phone with him yesterday, the friend decided to talk some smack about Troy. I took the phone and replied, "Well, I realize they're no Baylor or Arkansas State, but I figure a win is a win." That was the end of the smack. Several of my very close friends in Texas are A & M or UT grads--plus, I have a fair number of TT pals, as well. Most of them are a good lot.
What a hypocritcal bunch that is. First, they refer to themselves as 'old money' and us as 'new money' inferring that we don't handle success well. What a joke. They STILL think they're 'all that' even in light of their recent BCS failures. Second, one poster even mentioned how we backed into the NC game last year. Funny thing is, they did the SAME exact thing in '04. Only, they couldn't seal the deal. With all due respect to Peabody, that fan base is more smug and delusional than BAMAs.
Hey, at least we won our conference last year, unlike them in 2003. And, just for the record, no matter who got in, anyone was going to be 'backing in' to the BCSNCG last year. That's just the way it was with that crazy ending to the season.
I waited until I was walking out of the stadium in 2005, I watched virtually every Soonturd on that field turn and walk off w/o shaking the hands of the TCU players that just handed them a pretty significant loss. That group included #28 who had just turned in the worst performance of his career.:geaux:
The Sooner fans that I know would love to have you guys in the Big 12 and they respect the Hell out of your program.
That was fun, now I must shower... I think I smell a SoonerDroppings.com redirect. Pea, your excluded of course.