I woke up this morning at 7:30 and my heart has been racing ever since. I don't know that I will make it to game-time:lol: . I am SSSSSOOOOOO freakin' pumped that I feel the need to go run about 10 miles and hopefully that will tire me out enough to actually sit down and watch the game. :crystal:Here's to a good game with no injuries and watching our Tigers come out victorious!! :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux:
Man, I'm just about climbing the walls. Wife told me to do something around the house to burn off all this nervous energy. She gave me a list..(She loves football season, I get more done around here than I do all year). My list: 1: Clean patio (Where'd all them beer bottles come from) 2: Vacuum floor (This sux:rofl: "sorry" had to say that) 3: Wash Dog (Catch Dog...wash dog again...rinse...repeat) 4: Wash Cat (Yea..."Thats" gonna happen) 5: Clean litter box (See previous above) Married life is such a joy...Wait! Oh yea, theres a game on tonight. Gotta go, wifes got oven cleaner and rubber gloves.
i really wanted to sleep late so this day would go faster. but instead, by 9:30 i had swept out the garage, the refrigerator repair man had come, i went to target, sams, walgreens, sonic, washed my car, and filled up my car. just a little bit of nervous energy today. but i am so anxious, i cant concentrate on paperwork and have on espn. i am thinking about shampooing the carpets and washing the dog, just to try to work off more energy. this is probably not a good time to be drinking a sonic route 44 diet cherry coke.:hihi:
I can only assume this is because of the whole gotta eat a corndog thing to celebrate your LSU-ness? I just had the big wardrobe panic. It's hot as blazes in Dallas today (humid, too), so a sweatshirt of out of the question. But here's the real problem, then. I'm having guests over, so I can wear anything ratty-looking. I figured I could wear my Sugar Bowl shirt from last year. Nope! I wore that during the Kentucky game...How about the purple shirt I wore to the Arkansas game? You've GOT to be kidding me! That leaves me with my moderately ratty, but no bad mojo-havin', Purple Reign t-shirt from the '03 BCSNCG.