Ironically I think the opposite of what everyone else thinks... MICHIGAN wants MSU to win. OSU wants PSU to win. OSU at 11-1 is a lock BUT...................... If Clemson Slips up and loses. OSU beats WISC in the title game, and Colorado beats Washington. #1 Bama #2 OSU #3 Oklahoma #4 Michigan (Head to head win over Colorado) #5 Colorado (head to head loss to michigan>title) #6 Clemson #7 Who the hell cares
I still think Michigan might be the only team to beat the gumps this year. They need to be in that number.
Honestly we might not even need clemson to lose Just Colorado and MSU to win..... Not sure that a 2 loss Oklahoma Jumps 2 loss Michigan without a Title game.. Could also be #1 Bama vs #4 Michigan #2 OSU vs #3 Clemson #5 Colorado (head to head loss) #6 Oklahoma (rip no title game)
I'm watching the CU - Utah game being played in Boulder. CU has a buffalo for their mascot. They just let him out of his trailer to run down the field. The handlers were hanging on for dear life.
its amazing how is PI but aren't
Good defensive struggle but Michigan is done for the playoffs. Penn State is holding all the cards in the east.
Both looked like PI to me. Welcome to your league giving the big fish all the calls. It was starting to get lonely here.