You’re right, we have to move forward but allow a little time to process the bullshit. Although it’s frequent, it takes a little time to process the unbelievable. Edit: I’m an Astros fan. Wednesday night I couldn’t think straight. Umpires screwed us!!! Today.......Boston was just better than us in that series. Bad calls or not, they were better and wanted it more, we lost. Obviously this is a more significant blow. And Hopefully nothing blatantly obvious happens that we can pin a loss on DW missing the 1st half, but if we do lose, I very seriously doubt we would blame a loss on that, It will be larger. Still though, Doesn’t mean it wasn’t a complete horse shit weak ass call.
What a great game and the atmosphere afterwards was tremendous. Even sweeter given how much I can't stand C.U.M. or the Suckeyes.
Me too. “Life is a real bitch” is what my dad preached. Even more after LSU and Saints games in the 80’s and 90’s Sounds like you were raised by some strong folks.