:dis: Ohio restaurant referenced by Obama is closing - FOX19 News and Weather - Greater Cincinnati Area
If the debt continues to grow this will not be the last company to close for sure. The dollar is falling, employment is stagnet, companies fear the government intrusion into private enterprise, the healthcare law has business unsure of the implications, energy cost continue to rise with an administration that fails to see the importance of domestic production and social justice / social engineering philosophy of a democratic party and president has corporations on the defensive too afarid to invest in an unclear future. If things do not change and American politicans don't stop interfering in privite enterprise I fear the U. S. will become a failed economic state like what happened to the USSR.
maybe we can spend our way out of it. its weird though spending didnt work that well for bush. but when obama spends like a madman it is good.
I'm not sure how an auto bailout would benefit this restaurant anyway. When we're paying the UAW members more money to stay home than to work do we really expect them to be visiting establishments near the "work"site? After never owning a foreign company vehicle I bought a Toyota because of the wasted money handed over to American companies. I'm close to buying another vehicle and narrowing my list. The first company scratched off the list...GM! I don't and won't support the UAW crooks! I'll stick with the Japanese and German cars built in the south without the UAW!