he said that Saban visited Tuesday, and called today..practically begging him to visit, Joe said no, Saban said how bout just for one day? Joe said Thanks, but no Thanks...JT Curtis said that a friend called him, and asked why Joe wasnt excited after his LSU trip. Curtis said, thats Joe, he's always that way...They asked Joe about his trip to LSU..He said he had a great visit, despite what you might here on the internet. he smiled and said...I have a lot of friends wanting me to stay in state, and play for LSU. Joe also said he had little to no friends in Cali. He will choose between LSU,USC, and Ole Miss.
He posted this on Joe's MySpace Wall: "Dawg, let's forget about all this recruiting stuff for one weekend. Let's relax and hit the town up hard this weekend son. The whole weekend. Be ready homie. " So it sounds like they are good friends. I prob won't get anything out of him but it won't hurt to ask.
The smile. Where do I place my bet? I'm sure the man is "big man on campus." Hell, I wouldn't want to give that up.
yea he's the guy that thought my LSU pic of Joe was tight. I think my Adobe Skillz just might have saved the day...no Applause...Thank u is enough!
I saw where you posted that. Did he message you and say that or did he post it on the board and I missed it?