Officials: 2 Military Facilities Attacked In Tennessee, 4 Marines Killed

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by tirk, Jul 16, 2015.

  1. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    The media most certainly shapes the narrative.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    not mine and i doubt it shapes yours, you are a thinking person, dont buy into narratives.
  3. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    It doesn't shape yours, mine or probably any of us here on TF but there are a lot of sheeple out there on all sides of the political spectrum.
    LaSalleAve likes this.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Saudis and Jordan and the Gulf States are going after ISIS in Syria. Saudi is going after Shiites terrorists in Yemen.

    Your imagination. They are not all alike and some of them are allies.

    Sure, you won't like the number you come up with.

    Why should it? They got nothing we need. ISIS is dying for us to go over there and give them a shot at killing us. Why should we oblige?

    Well, I looked and you didn't. What a shock!

    We are already doing that. Glad you agree it is a good thing. How can we isolate the problem rags if you think we must go after every rag on earth?

    You don't know this. What is obvious is that We can't fix it by wanting to and we can fix it by killing ever muslim. They have to fix it and they never will if we keep stepping in trying to do it for them.

    You are angry, we get it. I'm talking about practical solutions. You think genocide is the solution? Get real for once. Be pragmatic How do we do it your way? I'm all ears.

    How few times has it happened compared to how many muslims we have in the country? Can't you see that we must focus on the ones that are doing the damage? What are we supposed to do about American muslims that have not committed a crime? Suspend the Constitution? Build concentration camps? Summary execution? Think with your brains, testicle-head.

    We do not have the means to kill 1.6 Billion muslims. It is an impossible fairy tale. Only 60 million people were killed in all of WWII.

    OK, you are just determined to have a raving tough-guy fantasy and you aren't interested in discussing things logically. I'm not wasting any more time on you.

    I'll write you on death row.
  5. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    The only prominent muslim I can think of who is a man of peace is Muhammad Ali. I doubt if Arab muslims would listen to him. When he first changed his name from Cassius Clay I just thought he was a naive young man being taken advantage of because of his fame and money but he has become a true world ambassador for peace

    I don't personally know any muslims except for the ones that own convenience stores or work in them. I wonder what percentage of the money I spend on gas, coffee, beer and snacks goes back to the middle east to support terrorism. There are 2 convenience stores I stop at pretty regularly. They are about a quarter of a mile apart, gasoline is usually the same price at both of them and they pretty much carry the same items at the same prices. One of them is owned by an Arab. I was never sure if he was a muslim or not. He goes by the name Kevin. For about a year I never saw him in the store. It was being run by a younger Arab who went by Sam. When Kevin started coming back in the store he had grown one of those Taliban type beards. And now he is there all the time and I never see Sam. I wonder if Kevin had gone back to his home country to become radicalized while he was gone and now it's Sam's turn.

    I had thought the people who own the other store down the street were Arabs too but a few months ago I noticed that the wife of the owner had a red dot on her forehead, so they are Indians.

    It's hard to tell if a foreigner is a muslim or not unless its a woman wearing a head scarf. A few weeks ago I went to the Live at Five event downtown that they do every Friday. Live bands and such. I didn't really want to go. I hate going downtown for any reason and the event, like its name, started at 5 PM. When the temperature was still in the mid 90's. I was trying to make the best of it being in a large crowd and hot as hell drinking a beer and wishing it was a bottle of ice water to pour over my head when I noticed a girl walk by. About 19, 20, 21 and wearing tight jeans and carrying a backpack that looked pretty full with whatever she had in it.

    If she had been white, black Hispanic or Asian all I would have thought about it was "Nice ass, I hope she turns around so I can see if she has good boobs. But she had on a muslim head scarf so I was concerned about what she might have in the backpack. After all there were a few hundred people there. A bomb will have killed and maimed a lot of people. I kept my eyes on her as she walked away and at the same time looked around to see if there were any cops nearby. If she had set off the bomb there was nothing I could do about it but if she had set the backpack down and walked away I could notify a cop and maybe he could clear the area quick enough to minimize loss of life.

    Finally I lost sight of her so I'll never know if it was just some schoolbooks in her pack or if maybe the bomb didn't work or maybe she just got cold feet and lost here nerve. Male martyrs get a harem full of virgins to satisfy their every whim and desire. What do female martyrs get? Probably they have to become one of the virgins.
  6. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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  7. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Are they? Really? How, with what? Sure don't hear a bunch about ISIS getting their asses kicked do you? No, in fact you hear just the opposite but you keep buying what they are selling

    Ha, this may be your biggest swing and a miss to date. Sure, the assholes that flew planes into the WTC were out partying with strippers all night long...because they knew it was their last day on the rock. They hate us amigo, they hate everything we do and everything we stand for. They tried to convert the world to Islam once, maybe twice, they will try again.

    Lets see, off the top of my head, the assholes that crashed the planes on 9/11 wow, already in double digits. I win.

    It shouldn't, that is my point, nip this shit in the bud

    There are other ways, we just aren't aggressive enough

    A few thousand years of History says I am right
    Not a terrible option

    Too damn many

    And can't you see that there IS NO WAY TO SINGLE THEM OUT, other than they are muslim, therefore they must go. They don't start that way, but they damn sure end that way. I'm just here to help.
    Ship their asses out of here, punch em in the throat, not buy anything at any of their stores, burn down the mosque, ticket and arrest them at every single opportunity, shoot them in the face, fuck I don't know, they just have to go. If the rest of those silly bastards can't behave better than a freaking rabid gorilla then they are guilty by association. Just the way shit is. There has to be a way to purge these assholes out of existence.

    By my calculations, about 24 bombs should do it, given the advances in technology I bet we have gotten a better kill ratio so I will cut it to about 16. Invest in Raytheon or whoever builds those damn things, stock is gonna rise ;)

    I will tell you when you are done

    As long as it says thank you[/QUOTE]
    TwistedTiger likes this.
  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    You don't bother to fucking find out. Check it out for once. Just once. We are training Syrian rebels in Saudi Arabia and Turkey to fight ISIS. Jordan lost a pilot while bombing ISIS. The fucking Kurds are fighting hard on our side, muslims you know. Egypt is sticking it to Hamas.

    Are you deranged? You think we don't have muslim allies? We have military bases in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Aden, Bahrain, Qatar, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Pakistan, UAE, Djibouti, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan, All muslim allies. You think we should just abandon these bases and add all of these countries to the enemies list. You are being very foolish.

    OK, that is 1.6 million over 21. Pretty small fraction. You lose badly.

    You need to read a few hundred more history books, professor.

    Genocide is not a terrible option? There is no point in talking to you, you are denser than uranium.

    You are here for comic relief and you are really amusing today. We have been singling them out them out for a decade! Hundreds of drone strikes, dozens of special forces operations, 3 dozen major leaders killed another couple of hundred in Guantanamo, the millennium bombing plot defeated, dozens of aborted plots broken up by us. Al Qaeda has been decimated. Remember al Qaeda?

    Only in your deranged fantasies, Rambo.

    16 bombs wouldn't even kill everyone in Saudi Arabia! Fuck up their day seriously, but nowhere close to exterminating all of Islam. Its silly-ass shit and you know it.

    I will obey when Hell freezes over.

    Thank you, dumb ass. I'm taking over your harem.
  9. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    Anyone remember the anarchist cookbook? Rumor used to be if you bought this book you would end up on an FBI watch list, should be the Qu'ran.
    shane0911 likes this.
  10. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Tough bastards those kurds, only ones out of the lot that I didn't mind working along side of in country because they had no loyalty to anyone in sector. I have watched them do some heinous shit to both shia and shite alike and it was most gratifying.

    Are you? You and every other liberal this side of Massachusetts vilified Dubya because he thought he could spread western culture to the east, now you are saying that want to be like us? Give me one arab nation that is willing to associate themselves with being more "western like" Can't do it holmes, they despise us. You should not confuse their hate for us with their love of money, allowing us to rent land doesn't equate to willing to adopt our way of life. Not even close

    and how many of them killed how many of us? Like I said, I win. Eat it.

    Well, lets see, just how long have all these camel molesters been at each other? And just how many of these dust ups have they "worked out on their own"

    Lookie there, I win again

    I already said this

    Talk about being dense, geez louise you just don't get it. This is like having a back yard full of snakes and expecting them to only bite your neighbors. No one is talking about HVT's scooter, I'm talking about all the little haji's and abdullahs that go to school with the rest of our kids every damn day and all is well until that one fateful night he discovers the internet. Those are the slimy rat fink bastards that I'm talking about. What do you do with a dog when it gets a wild hair up its ass and decides to bite you? Why should we do anything less with these pieces of shit. These fucks rate lower on the usefulness scale than the damn fly.

    I hear another one will be out soon

    Have you heard my plague infected rat theory?

    You're still here scooter, whats that? Shane 3 Red zilcho, nada,

    You'd fall in love and they would fall asleep, I got this old timer, I aint as good as I once was but I'm as good once...

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