I have not exactly been fired up about this one. Knowing that Jefferson may play a few snaps though is something to look forward to. I like the combo of Lee and Jefferson. It could potentially make the following game more interesting in our favor too. Well, back to Tulane. Why doesn't the Tulane Football Team have a web site? They can't string three W's together.
This game makes no sense anymore. Fan's from both teams really can care less about this game. I just left the Tulane board and they really not fired up about playing the game. The only thing we have to look forward to is that maybe we can get to see what Jefferson can do. I think both adminstration should just abandon trying to bring back this old rivially and go our separate ways. But then again I guess this game may be a little better than North Texas. :rofl:
the most reaction i have gotten so far is when i told greenie about the hatch/jefferson thing was "great, with our luck jefferson will be a wonder kid". actually, i have gotten a tiny bit of delusional smack talk, but for the most part its been pretty quiet around here. even as much personal interest as i have in this game, its been hard to get excited about it. what im really looking forward to is the tailgating.
Come on guys. If you can't get pumped for the opportunity to hold on to the Tiger Rag what will you get pumped for? Who let the lawn ornament in the picture?
1. Thank God that monstrosity is no more. 2. Does Tulane stand a chance now that their runningback is done for the season?
I i get as pumped for that as i do for the ugly Boot for the R-kansas game. I will admit TigerRag is a more tradition thing. The Boot is just a wannabe tradition that they would hope we get pumped for.:dis:
OMG Batty you live with a high and mighty Bama fan? Sorry Okie I don't feel as sorry for you any more. Here is CLM pregame pep talk to the guys on Nov. 8th. " Guys we have to win this game for Batty or she have to live with this Bama mistake for 365 days or kill him.....So lets go kick some Bama azzzzzz.
It's worked well the last few years... he's been pretty quiet. This year I believe he is making up for it! I even cheered for the guys in orange this weekend.... I SANG ROCKY TOP! Surprisingly after the SECCG last year (hearing it over and over) all I knew was... something something somthing... ROCKY TOP TENNESSEE!! See how much good it did? :rolleye33: