It was a warm day in Atlanta. It was nice to see much more purple and gold today compared to yesterday. The evening event at the aquarium was pretty good as the cheerleaders attended and video highlights of both teams were projected on the wall. The parade is at 12:30, followed by the fan fest, and then on to the game. We'll be making plenty of noise! 4 bowl games in the Superdome and 2 bowl games in the Georgia Dome since 2000 and the Tigers are 6-0...let's hope we get another tomorrow night.
The thing at the aquarium was really cool- world's largest aquarium. The beluga whales were incredible. for some pictures of whales and jellyfish. I was surprised at how little I've seen of techies around town. I suppose that it's based mainly on the fact that many of them will be coming in today- but they can't ALL live here in ATL. I'm really looking forward to see how a month has helped or hurt the defensive scheming.
Last minute game preview
Less than 30 minutes away from kick-off.... I AM SO FIRED UP!!! Win, Lose or Draw, this is the last time we will see the Tigers play until next Fall. GEAUX GET' EM TIGERS!!! :crystal::geaux::crystal::geaux::crystal: