In a few weeks everybody will be on his ignore list except the mods. It may get really fun at that point.
yeah, you have predicted that before and to prove once again that maybe gypsy fortunetelling isn't in your future, I have added a grand total of 2 IGNOREs in the last month....both of which are rare least that is what Brian claimed as he posted like 10 times in the last day. I guess "lurker" is a relative term, huh?
If there's a lynch mob outside your door looking to string you up, aren't you technically a crowd favorite?
So, did we have a Class of 2015? I feel like I've tuned into an old episode of Fantasy Island that morphed into West Side Story, only I'm cheering for the gang to beat the shit out of the dwarf. Now to get this thread back on track who is going to be the so-called sleep of this class? I'm going to go with B. Mouton. I've seen this kid at practice on many occasions and he is really a well put together and incredible athlete. I will not be surprised if we hear the coaching staff giving him plenty of platitudes this summer.