Honestly, I have never heard of anyone using or discussing the ignore feature here until this week. You should give more of these members a try. Good Bunch
Wouldn't a simple shot of Jack be just as effective? I do eat some granola now, I ain't gonna lie. But I add it to yogurt....breakfast....no cereal....sniff, sniff. Tofu? GTFOOH. That bag is not a full 1.5. Bulk granola at Sprouts. Same as steel cut oatmeal, orzo, giant raisins.
Agree with you about 99% so far. The other LSU forums I have tried you ask a question or make a statement that one of the clique doesn't care for and about 10 (their minions) jump down your throat while 20 others say it was a good question/post...30 posts and still nothing of note in response. It came down to the ignore function or a bomb with sizzling fuse avatar....didn't find that one yet. BTW, great info on NSD...meant to tell you that
I agree other forums can be brutal and cluttered with tons of members. That is why I rarely venture off from here. Thanks man