Official 2015 LSU Recruiting Thread

Discussion in 'LSU RECRUITING' started by islstl, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. LSUDad

    LSUDad Veteran Member

    Jun 22, 2010
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    Why worry, LSU lost a bunch of players last year, didnt take long to finish better than every team but one. LSU is in very good shape with a number of players, as every year, things fall into place.
    1BIGTIGER likes this.
  2. cajdav1

    cajdav1 Soldiers are real hero's

    Dec 26, 2003
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    Of course we would all feel better if we had a boatload of 4 & 5 star recruits already. We're still sitting with the #10 composite ranking at this time with us being in contention for many more top players.

    While I do believe this will end up being a top ten class with several players such as Tolliver being rated near the top of their positions I have a feeling we are going to take a somewhat smaller class this year due to the major studs we are leading for in 2016. That way we can back sign at last a few of these guys. 2016 is going to be da bomb!
    LSUDad likes this.
  3. MLUTiger

    MLUTiger Secular Humanist

    Aug 9, 2001
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    Right now, LSU has 13 verbals. This time last year (actually, one year tomorrow) LSU had 9 verbals and none of them were 5-star. I'd say LSU is right on track.
    cajdav1, LSUDad and old school like this.
  4. old school

    old school Veteran Member

    May 9, 2014
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    I always wonder how we are doing in terms of quantity and quality at any given time through the year compared to past years. Thanks for the update MLUTiger.
    LSUDad likes this.
  5. LSUDad

    LSUDad Veteran Member

    Jun 22, 2010
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    Many schools throw out offers, LSU is one of the few that wants to see a kid, have him come into camp. They want to see if he has the frame to add weight, an not drop the speed. Not every kid is offered in a camp. Its a start, who can doubt what they have done over the years in recruiting, one of the better jobs in the Nation. LSU is not in a hurry to fill a class. They try an see if a kid is a good fit at LSU and the program. Too many things go into an offer. As with every year, they will hit on a few and miss a few, sometimes its better to pass on a kid, wish him the best and move on. Seen this all too often.

    While I'm at it, I'm gonna go a little deeper into recruiting. Yep, there are some coaches and schools that over recruit, do things outside of what is above board. Like I said, coaches are a tight knit group. If someone is cheating, the coaches know about it. Very seldom will one turn another in. One day, you may be looking for a job and have to work with that no-good-for-nothing.
    ParadiseiNC and ROY_LA_CA like this.
  6. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Is that a hint of things to come @LSUDad ? You trying to tell us that the fella with the short man complex is on the hot seat?
    LSUDad likes this.
  7. LSUDad

    LSUDad Veteran Member

    Jun 22, 2010
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  8. cajdav1

    cajdav1 Soldiers are real hero's

    Dec 26, 2003
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    After experiencing LSU recruiting classes for about 50 years and seeing how well CLM's classes have turned out on the field I don't have any worries. Some years we get a bunch of early commits, some years not very many & some years are just like this one. So many factors come into play that you just can't read much of anything into it this early.

    We always seem to lose a few we thought were sure bets, pick up several surprises and then have 3 diamonds in the rough who are disparaged by fans. And many times the diamond in the rough end up being just as good as the marquee players.

    I get a little disappointed when we loose some guys but then I let history settle me down. We have an incredible staff that brings in incredible talent year after year.
    didit, geauxtigs, titoabad1 and 2 others like this.
  9. didit

    didit Veteran Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    Janzen Jackson anyone... And speaking of bama and violations, whatever happened to that thing with Fluker? Did it involve a rug and a broom?
    cajdav1 and LSUDad like this.
  10. LSUDad

    LSUDad Veteran Member

    Jun 22, 2010
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    Had lunch today with a college coach, he's been in the business for over 30 years. We talked about many things for over an hr. Paying players (Stipends), cheating while recruiting, the changes in football and a number of topics. Like one coach says, "The good Lord gives us ten rules, the NCAA gives us a book the size of the Bible!"

    An they change the rules every time you turn around. You can be committing a violation without even knowing it at times. You have to have people that know the book backwards and forwards. Once everything is deciphered, a meeting is held, explanations as to what can and can't be done.
    cajdav1 likes this.

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