Best thing in the world. "People You Ignore" link when you move mouse over your userid on upper right hand corner of the screen. Wish all forums had this. No need for me to have to wade through sewage and flames to get to the better posters' thoughts.
You might think a 1.5 pound bag of mint m&m's is a snack, but it really is a meal. Ha! I get my granola in bulk.
Voluminous rant postings, endless insight, and ignore threats..........................sounds like a past poster has returned masquerading.
Nope, never even heard of this forum before a short time ago. Guess that gypsy fortune telling course of yours is coming up a tad short huh?
Oh, that's it. You're on the ignore list, you bully. Talking to me like that, and we've never met or conversed before. btw, how did you know about my gypsy interests? never mind, i'm ignoring you.
Bbbbeeeeccccaaaaauuuuuusssseeeee, I passed GFT 101 and am now in GFT 102. FYI, I knew you were going to do that.