I think I'll email my local cable carrier and thank them for not putting this garbage on tv. You can get better recruiting coverage from the advocate.
I, too, thought it was absolute garbage. Mike Gottfried can barely get a sentence out. They did, however, rave about LSU's future for a good 10-15 minutes after the Tolliver signing.
No, but reporters and other media types get lied to all the time. They have a responsibility not to go with wild-ass rumors if they want to maintain their credibility. Mike is as good as most are about this. My point is only that he publishes too much stuff that turns out to be wrong to consider him THE authority on recruiting. He jumps the gun as much as Dandy Don does and a lot more than Guilbeau, Rabalais and the print media do.
guess UF is the new media faves since espn is keepin' them up atop USC when USC signed espn's top 3 guys on their 150...hmm
Seems like ESPN decided their top classes before and kept them there with no willingness to change anything. Like the rankings matter anyway...
They don't have time to evaluate high school talent. They are too busy sucking at everything else they do.