Oh well, to be honest, I hope the kid never see's the damn field. How can you choose to go to USC and not stay home and play for your home state LSU Tigers. What a freaking Dildo.
Okay, I just can't believe the nerve of some of you people. Just because he decided to go out-of-state doesn't make him the anti-Christ. Did you ever think that maybe this was just the best decision for HIM? Where does it say that every top player from the state of Louisiana HAS to go to LSU? Sure, I wish he was with us, but he's not. I'm not going to hold it against him and nobody here should, either.
I wish Joe well because of what he has already had to deal with in life. After seeing that vest I knew he was a Trojan. Despite my best wishes to him, I honestly hope this Bush investigation turns ugly and there are under probation. Im sick of the media brown nosing to USC. Im sick of them period, no doubt its a great school for football. I completely understand why Joe and other top recruits want to go there. Carroll is a great coach, I just hope they are under probation for a few years so we dont have to hear all the media crap about how great they are.
He made the best decision for himself and I hold nothing against him. I wish him best of luck at USC. He is Tigerbait if and when LSU meet in the NC the next few years though.
Maybe he was never an LSU fan to begin with. Not everyone in the state is an LSU fan. Give the kid a break and move on.