Alas, Cynthia fell far short but unlike Hillary, she's come up with a solid reason as to why she lost.....too MANY people showed up to vote. Well, that, and what the voters really wanted was to show Trump they hate him. "In a memo sent to journalists as polls closed, Nixon's campaign team accused Cuomo's campaign of overseeing an "unconscionable influx in spending" that resulted in an "extremely high" turnout "throughout the state," according to The Hill. "This is likely due to two factors: tens of millions of dollars in advertisements from Andrew Cuomo pushing voters to the polls, and a desire on the part of prime Democratic voters to send a message to [President Donald Trump] for the first time since his election," the campaign team said. "
sorry, I acted like an ass, Moe,.. ...Stacey is especially nice too. Kiki, telling me to lighten up, sparked a thought, and away I went,.. and just got back from the cannabis store across the mountain, they're about out of the good stuff,.. new crop in November.
I know she is sweet I know a sweet woman when I hear and see em I am married to one. No apologies necessary I probably still owe you apologies.