It's easy to think that, but there are better reasons that are more likely sources. -In the U.S., each generation is living longer, thus have a greater chance to get heart dz, cancer, or autoimmune conditions. -Population rates have markedly increased. We went from 200 mil to 300 mil people in the US from 1968-1996. That increases disease rates. The likelihood that any of us know someone with these conditions is much greater w/greater numbers of population. -Dual working parents are much more common, which then leads to more daycare, and cohorting of persons, and thus sharing of viruses at younger ages much more common. -Population growth is more concentrated in inner cities which results in sharing of acute viral illnesses. The more viral exposures we have, the more chances our immune systems will overreact to them, and lend to more autoimmune diseases (MS, diabetes, inflamm. bowel dz, etc). -Another significant factor is that we are much heavier population, and that lends itself to disease. Many disease rates go up with increased BMIs. These social transitions over the past 50 years are much more likely to be leading to shifts in disease states. Other variables are there, too. However, it's less likely to be "pollution" of air, water, and food. Food choices, yes, but food, water and air contamination, no.
I think I read she had significant scoliosis, which required surgical correction, and there were some snaffoos with that. I'm not sure about the MS part, but MS is on the rise for multiple reasons. Recognition is also better, so diagnosis is earlier for that reason, too.
Does it seem like more people in Louisiana get cancer? Shit it seems like every other person has it here.
My mother never smoked, occasionally drank a beer or two, she worked hard, ate pretty decent and was not obese. In fact she was 5-3 and barely topped 100 pounds. Liver cancer killed her a year ago within 6 months. It started in her kidney, which they removed. Then she took treatments for 6 months. She was cancer free in July and died December 30. Doctor said the kind of cancer she had was from ingested carcinogen. When it came back in her kidney it grew so fast they couldn’t stop it. I believe over population and poison in our environment will lead to some bad stuff in the years to come.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to oversimplify it, I was talking across large populations. There are targeted areas that may have environmental triggers. As I recall, LA, and in particular certain ‘’belts’’ of LA, have higher rates of certain cancers that are much higher than the general population. Colon CA, in particular. So, that would suggest an environmental source, so you may be right about that.
So sorry to hear about that. Certainly, individual cases can be related to environmental exposures. I was really speaking toward population statistics. Certainly, overpopulation and environmental toxins will be bad stuff. For sure. MS, autism, etc, etc, are probably not environmental toxins, but rather genetics c/b societal shifts (older age at parenting, dual working households, increased population groupings), etc. Subset issues can be environmental and population related. It really depends on specific disease states as to why increases are occurring. I should have been more specific -was trying to offer alternative reasons as why some things are increasing that aren’t necessarily intuitive or obvious. Again, really sorry to hear about your mom. I’ve lost both of my parents and can empathize with that greatly.
I wasn’t disagreeing with you @ParadiseiNC I think your analysis is spot on. The future is uncertain when it comes to disease because of our livIng styles across the world. With international travel being so easy for most there is no telling what we are carrying around. I have a friend who lives in a small village in Nigeria who claims we are over immunized in America. He claims we would die in a couple weeks where he is from. Not sure if I agree with that but I’m sure there is some truth to the fact that we may seek medical attention when it is not necessary in this country. I remember being taken to the doctor every time I got a sniffle. Probably paying for it now. As far as my mom she often drank tap water and if I had to guess that’s probably where it came from since it started in her kidney. You know every toxin that comes down the river ends up in South Louisiana.