I wouldn’t give O the ten year extension quite yet, but I did see, if not a coming of age, at least a dawn of one vs Gus Bus .
Speaking of this .... well shit. Did you guys see the “insane” criminal who murdered (sorry allegedly) murdered a cop in NOLA. They were doing jury selection and had to stop because he came back from a bathroom break and smeared feces on his face. Special or a great lawyer. http://www.theadvocate.com/new_orleans/news/courts/article_a1faf84a-b44b-11e7-98aa-cf91b650a854.html
Very good write up of Coach Orgeron's tenure at Ole Miss... https://www.sbnation.com/platform/a...7/10/19/16501836/ed-orgeron-ole-miss-lsu-2017
Hey I dont take things too personal here. I know I can be a smart ass and like the action of the come backs from you guys. I have strong opinions no apologies I stand by them and say I am wrong when I am wrong such as our win over Aub. No apologies necessary Life just challenging you.
I dont post them here but if you dont like them dont go to the Freedom forum. I lied I did post one here and you didn't like it. Dont worry won't spam this forum.
Do you feel like that’s because there’s always a judgement of you as this… character? The Louisiana guy? The accent? Yeah, I guess so. But at USC, they loved me. At USC, there was respect. At Miami, there was respect. I mean, they respected my talent. They respected my ability to recruit. I could speak in front of a crowd in Beverly Hills and get a standing ovation and then go to Compton and do the same. I could be friends with people in those communities …