every time i read the thread title i think rosie o'donnell and then i get ill thinking how bad it would be if that fat ass got elected to anything. regarding reid.... Early vote a bad omen for Harry Reid - Molly Ball - POLITICO.com but if that werent enough good news this sunday morning, there is a story about how pelosi might retire if the dems lose control of the house... Pelosi, Among Others, Could Exit if Dems Lose House - Yahoo! News and even if she doesnt retire, any leadership position is a minority is in jeopardy. imo,we are getting ready to make an extreme swing to the right, and the dems themselves brought it on. when the dems took control of the exec and legislative branches, they were in position to bring moderate pubs on board and govern from the middle. instead, they handed over the reins to the far left and the likes of pelosi and reid who governed with a "phuck you" attitude, further polarizing the two sides. now the extreme right backlash could be much greater than ever could have been imagined if some semblance of moderation had been shown. oh, for a third, and moderate, party. edit: i keep taking out the quote tags to make that second/third qoute just one quote, but they keep popping back in when i hit save. i give up! the post gods dont like me today!
i'm not a democrat but that is a good one. my god is the big fiery ball in the sky, i have decided to start worshiping the sun and moon god.